Chapter • 16 • A Storm Is Coming

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Tiny Party

I dragged myself out of bed as another paper airplane flew through the vents. I hardly got any sleep last night because of Skye. Can't she just take a hint that when I'm asleep that I won't respond! I understand that you don't have to sleep but I kind of do!

I trudged my way through the hall to find her room. When I go around the corner I see Wave and Skye just outside her room. They look and sound like they're talking about something serious. I crept back around the corner, to eavesdrop on their conversation without them seeing me. Yes I know eavesdropping is bad but I know both of them are keeping something serious from me. And if it involves me then I want to know. At least this time I can be prepared.

"Skye I need to tell you something very serious." I could hear worry in her voice.

"Yes Wave. What is it?" The excitement in her voice died down to a more serious one. I could imagine Skye, nine years old, looking up at Wave who is twenty. I wish I can look up to someone like that. Well I used too but that doesn't matter.

"I saw him the other day while we were play hide and seek."

"But how?!" Skye whispered screamed, fear sprung in her voice.

Who is HE? And why is Skye afraid of him. I mean if a Greek goddess is afraid of him then wouldn't you warn everyone? I mean he could attack at any moment and we would be all like "why didn't you tell us Wave?" And everything. Why keep Him a secret? I have a feeling this includes all of us and Wave and Skye are just acting oblivious to the situation.

But Him couldn't be He. I mean sure the crows are becoming more and more nasty around me but still Him can't be He. I haven't seen He in years, not since I left. I hope He'll forgive me and understand my reasons for not staying, I just couldn't. And I know for my reasons, He's out there looking for me even though he shouldn't. I'm not coming back, it's too late to ask forgiveness there.

"I don't know, I truly don't know." There was a pause.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't want you to be worried specially since you were happy here."

"You've should've told me!" Skye yelled but managed to keep her voice down. The conversation became heated and intense.

"I wanted Lady Artemis's opinion. In fact I'm planning to meet up with her soon." Her voice stayed calm.

"No. I don't think you should go Wave. A storm is coming and it's a big one too." Skye sounded worried. Which made me confused. Wasn't a second ago that she was mad at Wave?

"I'm sorry Skye but I need a different opinion on this. I need her advice." Well I have an idea, talk to the rest of us! Maybe that'll help! But you know that's just MY opinion. "Just-" she hesitates to continue, "just stay inside and you'll be fine." I hear her walking towards me so I stand in the middle of the hallway like I just didn't eavesdrop on their conversation.

We ran right into each other. "Oops sorry." I try to sound innocent as can be. But one look into Wave's eyes told me that she didn't believe me. But eagerness to leave was more important to interrogate little ole me. I watched her leave, her body language was stiff and anxious. Friends back home helped learn body language. I wasn't great at it but I could guess something simple about the person. Like what their feeling or what they do in their life. Sometimes I can even tell when their lying. But only sometimes. Figuring out if someone is lying is hard because everyone has different tell signs.

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