Chapter • 15 • Pink Sassy Flamingo

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It couldn't be. It can't be. But how?

I look over at Skye. The young goddess looks so happy with these mortals. Specially the youngest one. She had just been through so much and for what? For it to happen all over again.

Maybe I saw it all wrong. Maybe I saw something else hiding among the trees. I sent him to the Amazon, so there's no possible way he could be in Oregon. Even children of Hades can't shadow travel that fast.

But my Hunter instincts tell what I saw was really there. I debate whether or not I should tell Skye. Yes this concerns her deeply but she seems so happy. I would hate to diminish that for her. She doesn't need to be worried anymore than she is.

I come to a decision. I'll notify Lady Artemis the situation. Once I hear her perspective, I'll hint Skye that I saw him. But how will I tell her? Hey the man who caused you harm, who I had be sent to the Amazon rainforest is back. And I might've saw him in the forest beyond. Skye would be so afraid. It would brings the others involved if they saw her afraid of something. Which that can't happen. It'll be a compromise to my main assignment. Which is to keep my eye on Flame. I can't do that and protect Skye.

I glance outside the window where I see my cousin meditate. If Starfire found out she'll never leave me alone. She should've stayed with her mother. Her mother is always so moody when her daughter is outside her castle. Khione can be annoying with her mood swings but she does care about her daughter.

And I know Starfire really cares about family. Which I know why she keeps trying to find me. She doesn't need to say it for me to know. She worries about me. Which I have no clue why. I can protect myself. Plus I can only die in battle which I doubt will happen.

But Starfire has gotten a great hold of her powers since last time I visited her. She was just learning how to control her massive hurricanes. Her staff which I'm thankful Boreas made for her, made everyone's life better. Specially for Starfire. But sometimes I wonder if she likes a being half ice. She only was eight when she was cursed. It took so long for her to control her icily powers.

I switched my thoughts to Marguerite or Tiny Party, which is her new nickname. There's something strange about her. But I can't place my fingers on it. She can obviously see through the mist. Which is rare for humans to have but can happen. She is so young compared to the rest of us and yet I see tiredness and regret in her eyes. Very strange for a thirteen year old to have. She probably doesn't even realize that she is feeling those emotions. Mortals these days.

Then there's Flame. From my understanding she is also cursed like Starfire. But mostly made of fire. I could also sense that she lost a loved one in her life. That I can relate to her. I still don't know why Lady Artemis wanted me to watch over her. At first I thought she needed protection. But she turned out to be older and could protect herself just fine.

Oh what have I gotten myself into?


I know something is bothering Wave. And something tells me it's has something to do with me. But Wave will tell me what I need to know. I know she will. Here I am laying in my belly coloring on a piece of paper. Once I'm done doh the picture, I fold it up neatly into a paper airplane.

"Fugite." I throw the plane into the vents. I watch it make sharp turns to go to Tiny's room. Tiny wanted to know what Olympus looked like so I drew her a picture. I have yet to leave my room today. All of my scabs and scars are itchy and ugly today. And wearing pants would only make them worse so I'm staying inside.

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