Chapter • 11 • Twenty Questions

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Tiny Party

I was in a pure white room. Screaming my lungs out. My arms were tied to the wall and I wailed. I was sitting because I was too tried to stand. There was banging on the door but they couldn't get in. They won't get in until an adult opens it.

A blurred faced man crouches beside me. "I want to go home." I cried. Pleading to be let loose. "You can go home when you get better." He said in a deep voice. I pulled on the restraints trying to use my hands. I banged my head against the white padded walls. They moved me here last week when I tried to crack open my head.

"When will that be?" I whined. The tears were starting to slow to a stop. "When you stop seeing things that aren't there Dear." He tried to touch my head to stop me from hurting myself. "Don't touch me." I snarl. I realized that he slapped me after I felt the pain begin to rise on my left cheek.

"Don't talk to me like that. I'm trying to help you you get better."

"But I don't feel sick." I retorted. The pain already subsided. "Your not physically sick Marguerite, your sick up here." He pointed to his head. I pull me knees to my chest. I kept on chanting. "That's right. Keep up like this and you'll be home on no time."

I groan as two little hands try to slake me awake. I moan trying to turn away from the monster trying to wake me up.  "Come on Tiny Party. Wake up." I recognize the monster as Skye. She's been here for a few days. But she just stays next to Wave but every once in awhile hangs out with me.

"What time is it?" I moan finally opening my eyes to see a small seven year old with bright blue eyes. "I don't know. I can't read." She tilted her head. I stretch toward the digital clock that I stole, causing Skye to tumble off my bed. "Its five o'clock on the morning!" I cried. "Noooooo." I burry my head into the soft pillows. Again, ones that I stole.

"Really? Well I tried Plane-mail but you wouldn't answer back." On the second day Skye was here, she introduced me to Plane-mail. Because Skye couldn't read and only write Ancient Greek, she sends enchanted paper airplanes with animated pictures. It's like watching a video on a piece of paper. Anyway Skye taught me how to preform the charm and taught me the words to send it.

I look to my right to see a small pile of paper airplanes on the ground. "Come on come on come on." She talked very fast, tugging both of my arms. She pretty much dragged me into a room that I assumed where she was sleeping. You know she's very strong for a seven year old. But then again, she is a goddess.

But the instant I stepped in the room, I felt a tad lightheaded. I rub my eyes to wake up my mind some more. I look to around to my amazement. It was a room full of clouds on a sunny day. "What is this?" I touch the walls. They didn't even feel like paint. "Oh the walls are enchanted to look like upcoming weather. After all, I am the goddess of weather." She explained cheerfully.

" She explained cheerfully

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