Chapter • 21 • Cool It, Would Ya

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Starfire is getting on my last nerve. I know she's worried about Wave but that doesn't mean she can take it out on Skye. There's a line where you just don't cross. I thought angrily. You can't just attack a goddess for whatever reason. Like seriously have you not heard any of the stories. Especially don't mess with a child of the big three too. Like how naive do you have to be?

Sometimes I just wonder what goes through her mind. As I open the door, Skye runs in and flees to her room. I better not question it. The gods are weird as it is. After being a demigod for eighteen years, you learn not to question the gods. Apparently someone hasn't learn it.

I walk in to see Starfire stand up tall and Tiny Party laying on the couch. I feel my core ignite with rage, making my fire grow more heated. "Whats your problem?!" I pointed my finger at her making sure that a bit of fire danced upwards towards her.

"I have no clue what your talking about." Her tone is icy toned and not because she's made of ice but it sounded cold.

"Don't play dumb with me." I growled. "Why in all Olympus would you try to hurt a goddess? Are you really that stupid?" I snarled. I see her mouth from into a angry pout.

"She had it coming Flame. She knows something is wrong and won't tell me. She is lying and I had to get answers some way or another." The way she looked down at me, made me think she was trying to scare me. Well jokes on you, I'm not easily scared.

"There's a better way to get answers. Have you tried asking?" I glare darkly.

"Yes I have. But she won't have any of it. She gives dumb excuse and brushes it off. Let me remind you that she has been hiding in her room for the past two weeks! Don't you think that's a little strange?!" Her hands went into fists.

I scoff at her lame excuses. "Have you met the gods? Or any of Greek mythology? Because everything is strange or weird. We're all related for crying out loud. Or have you forgotten." I challenged.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that! Yes I know we're all related somehow because of Zeus but that does not mean I can't get answers!" I see little snowflakes form around her body. And somehow that makes my core even hotter.

Do it.


You're no fun.

I glance down to see the floor darken. If I'm not careful the house will light in fire.

"You know Skye is a goddess. They have their reasons, and Wave can protect herself, she's a Hunter." I state, trying to calm my anger.

"Wait how do you know that?" Shock flashed upon her face but quickly disappeared.

"It doesn't take a genius."

"What's a Hunter?" Tiny Party asks out of nowhere. Completely confused on what we're arguing about.

"Nothing," I snap as Starfire says, "back off Tiny this has nothing to do with you."

Hurt splayed across her face. "How dare you use that tone on her!" I grew defensive.

"Oh getting fond of a mortal Flame. Don't you know how dangerous that is?" She sneered.

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