Chapter • 14 • Hi. How Are You

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Tiny Party


I'm running for my life. Not even daring to look back. Everyone went in different directions. I have no clue where they are at.


I'm running out of time(pun included). I only have twenty seconds to survive. I'm trying to find a place to hide. Somewhere they can't find me.


I dive into a cage of tree roots. Thick thorny bushes give me cover that I need. I'm glad I'm wearing a dark green sweatshirt, that I recently stolen, today. With my usual black pants.


I'm out of time. I have to stay where I am. Or I'll get caught. I pull my knees to my chest to make me as small as possible. Ten seconds past. Nothing happens. I hear only the noises of the wild nature.

Then I see two pairs of feet walking around the area. I curl up as much as I can. "Come out come out wherever you are?" The person called out. I sucked in my breathe and held it. Holding in all the extreme emotions I'm having.

Once I hear the footsteps no more for tens seconds, I carefully sneak out of my hiding place to search for a better one. I run silently through the trees. Then I find it. The tree from the other day. The giant spruce.

I climb the tree the same way to the same branch. From where I was I stood up on the branch. The needles give me coverage as I try to spot people on the forest floor. I saw them but they were heading in the opposite direction. But still somewhat close by.

I sit back down and try to sit still. I don't want to rustle the tree too much or it'll give me away. And I don't want that to happen. I sit back down and try to somewhat relax and stay focused at the same time. Doesn't help that I can still hear her.

Then a couple of pine needles fall from the branch above. I look up to see a peculiar woman with a name of Wave. I was surprised. I know Wave isn't the seeker but the way she is smiling at me isn't making very confident that she's on my side.

"Hi. How are you?" She asked like it was the most normal thing ever to say in a normal place and time. "But how?" I questioned. I could hear them coming back which made me worried.

But at the worst time possible the branch that I was sitting on broke. Causing me to fall to the very hard ground. I landed on my back which really didn't help at all.

When I opened my eyes, I could see sea blue ones staring right back. I didn't even need to see it happen but I know Wave came down with every once of gracefulness she has. She stood over me making her look like a giant from my perspective. Which would've made me laugh if I wasn't in a slight pain.

"Because I'm a Huntress of Artemis, I have my secrets." She put her pointer finger to her mouth and, "ssshhh," me. Like to tell me to keep a secret. What secret? She didn't tell me anything new. She looked up sharply to her left and then darted somewhere eastern. But before she left she said one last thing to me.

"You can't touch this." She then ran off without a second glance.

"I FOUND YOU!!!" Skye screamed as she jumped onto my stomach. Making me groan in pain. "Well your not a very good hider aren't you." She stated. I was about to oppose to that but I realized hat there was no point. Skye was five she wouldn't understand and think I'm a poor sport. And I'm not a poor sport. I'm a great sport. And that's the truth.

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