Chapter • 18 • Another Dumb Move

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Something is wrong, really really wrong.

I don't know what but my heart tells me that Wave is in danger. It's also in my gut too, and my gut has yet to let me down yet. Pain and regret just filled me and started to destroy my sanity. Just like a few months ago when Wave disappeared. And it doesn't help that I know she's hiding something from me. Which worries me. Wave is known for her secrets but she always tells me in due time. Maybe when she comes back she'll tell me. Hopefully.

You know what else gets on my nerves about the situation. Is that no one else seems to care. Even Skye! I really Skye would care just a bit. Specially when I'm sure they share the same secret on why Wave disappeared on me. And that just ticks me off. Flame is just being her usual distant self and Tiny Party is as happy as can be.

Why can't they see that this is not the time to slack off. This is time to take action. To figure out where she went, to figure out what will happen next. I need to know but no one never tells me anything anymore. That's frustrating because I'm not just some pent up princess with a perfect life. I'm just a princess who got curse for life and is constantly making sure she doesn't freeze everyone around her!

"You alright?" I hear a small voice beside. I look to see Skye. And not to be mean or rude but she looked really awful. Obviously being cooped up in her room is driving her to her breaking point.

"No I'm not alright." I snap harshly. She winced at my outburst and I got to be honest, it brought me satisfaction. Skye had no right to assume everything is okay when it's not. Everyone knows that I'm worried about Wave but none of them attend to do anything about it. It's just frustrating.

I'm may be coming off harsh but Wave is family. Whether they like it or not. We're all related here somewhere on our godly side. So why can't we just stick out for each other. Is it that hard? I mean yeah sure the gods aren't perfect at all but they still gave us the ability to live. So we have to have some purpose. Right?

Skye's eyes wandered to the floor as she walked back to her room. How do I know that? Well it's simple, when a person is guilt or is hiding something, they tend to hide or distance themselves. Wave isn't the only one who can tell when someone's lying. Sure I'm not as good as her but I can tell most of the time.

But they fact that Skye is lying so openly, makes me rage. I unconsciously start to create a thin layer of ice on the floor beneath me. It grew in a circle with a line drawing to poor ole Skye. I began to feel ice flurries, flitting around my hand. Soon my staff will appear and then I wouldn't be able to control my emotions and power.

"Why do you ask?" My voice sounded like a snake venom on a wound. She slowly turned to face me. She craned her pretty little blue eyes to look at me in the eyes. And I stare coldly right back at her. She knows that I figured out that she's hiding something. I could see it it in her eyes.

But what is she hiding is the true question.

"Because I was wondering." She says monotones. I notice that she used the past tense 'was' how frightful.

"Well wonder less would ya." The atmosphere went tense. It was so tense that you could cut a knife right through it. Skye tried to keep calm but her clenched jaw told me otherwise.

"Have you not heard any Greek stories and not to mess with the gods or are you just doing another dumb move." Skye challenged. At first I thought she was trying to scare me but when she called me dumb, I knew she was egging me on. I guess I deserve it for snapping at her, but getting under people's skin can make them talk. And making people talk is my speciality.

"You. Me. Outside." I turn on my heels and walk out of the house. It would be dangerous if we battled in there. I rather not put anyone in danger. Well anyone who can die. Flame and Tiny do not need to see my wrath. Well not yet at least. But Skye does. She needs to grow up and see the bigger picture.

The clouds were still a darker feet but I could feel that it wasn't going to rain. If it was then the situation would be much worse then it is. When it rains I can't control the water freezing around me. Not only does that make me more frustrated, it makes my powers spike. And when my powers spikes, I tend to loose sanity for a moment. Do I want to? No, I can't help it if the curse wins out my mind.

I walk far from the house. I finally stood near the tree line and waited. I soon saw Skye gain enough confidence to come outside. She looked around the area nervously. I wonder why but the answer was obvious. It's part of her and Wave's secret.

My hands were in fist as she stood before me. "We both know both parties don't want this to happen Starfire." She tried to reason with me. Key word tried.

"That's where you're wrong Skye." I snarl. "I want this to happen." With that said my staff grew in my hand. It was busy with power as I pushed my curse to its limit.

"So be with it then." She levitated a few feet above the ground. I let her have the first move. She closed her eyes and raised her hands to her hips. She muttered words under her breathe as the winds began to circle around me. They went faster and faster, my hair fell out of its bun and went wild.

I point my staff towards the sky and imagined a snow storm. I light began to beam right to the clouds abound and the winds became a soft whit color. Skye then gathered the winds and thrusted them to me. I saw this coming and stuck my staff deep into the ground. Freezing my legs up to hold me steady. The ice continued into a circle on the ground with a line heading straight towards Skye.

From the ground it grew and trapped Skye into a cocoon of ice. I released myself and walked towards her. She struggled as I left only her head free.

"You see Skye. You may be a goddess but at least I know how to decipher what's logical or not." I touched the tip of my staff to her forehead.

"STOP!" Flame appeared out of nowhere and interrupted our battle of sorts. She stood between us but glaring at me. I lowered my staff and it melted into my hand like it was never there before. The winds have died down as I slowly release Skye.

Before any of them could say anything I march right back into the house with my head held high.

I'll figure out the secret Skye. I need you save Wave even if it takes to hurt a goddess.


Hello my peeps!

Sorry this chapter took so long, I had no breaks to write and I had a bit of a writers block.

Also so people don't get confused the next five chapters(including this one) well be held during the same day. I just want to make that clear.

The song above is S.O.S by ABBA

Hopefully I'll get he next chapter out soon. Maybe even tonight and have a double update. I don't know, we'll see.

See you all later my peeps,
—Magpie 😜

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