Chapter • 3 • Łęt Thę Präñkš Bęgīñš

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• Flame's POV •

          "So what's your name?" She asked. This is her tenth question in matters of a single minute. I ignored most of them. But really they were simple. Like what's your most hated color.

          Pink obviously.

         What's your most hated animal?



          Because they're pink.

            I don't know how she came up with these questions. It's like a nonstop question machine that doesn't have a off button. And it really was getting on my nerves. If she kept this up, I may as well let her go. Because I CAN NOT last like this all week. Nope not a chance. But then again, if I just make her do something potentially dangerous? Eh I'll think about it.

          But for now, I'm just making her clean around the house. Because I have never noticed how dirty it is. It probably because I haven't clean it in- uh actually I don't remember the last time. I actually don't think I ever cleaned it before. Well can you blame me.

           "My name is Flame." I finally spoke. I heard her snort. "Now what's so funny?" I scowled at her. "Nothing nothing." She smiled and put her hands up in surrender. In her eyes I could see mechevious glint. The same one from yesterday. But I ignored it.

Before I knew it it was nighttime. And I was glad it was. Because then I don't have to listen to her annoying questions anymore. My lab looked the same as ever. But cleaner. If you can tell the difference. I couldn't tell if her cleaning skills are awful or it was just really dirty to begin with. I'm hoping the first option.

        Anyway I showed her to a empty room. And you know what annoyed me. She just smiled and dumped all of her stuff on the floor. When did she even get her junk?! I don't don't remember her leaving. And the room was messy enough without her gods forsaken stuff. The nerve.

        Well after scowling at her I went to my room. Same old bed same, old stuff. Anyway I fell asleep without a hitch. Or a complain from her. And I had a dreamless one tonight. And it was refreshing.

<<< TIME SKIP >>>

         I woke to the sound of screaming. And it wasn't a pleasant alarm mind you that. "FLAME!!!!" I hear her scream. My first thought was that she got hurt from the traps. Yes she is annoying as the Underworld but I couldn't have her death on my conscience.

        I jumped out of bed and check the cameras. All screens were black. Which I didn't understand why. "FLAME HELP!!!" I hear her scream again. I realized that I didn't have time to ponder about cameras. I looked on Navi. It showed that the girl was at the entrance. Where all the traps were.

      I raced down the corridors. Every few moments I would hear her scream at the top of her lungs 'FLAME.' And it sounded like bloody murder if you ask me. It was awful.

        When I reached the entrance, I was confused. Instead of seeing a bloody kid. I saw nothing. Absolutely nothing. I checked Navi again. This time it showed me that she was outside. Which confused me again. She sounded like she was hurt. So how did she get out there so quick.  

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