Chapter • 28 • I Hate You

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I came conscious to a major headache. I haven't felt one like this since those days of torment. I slowly open my eyes for it takes me a few times to do it. Once I could open my eyes, the first thing I see is an awful grey ceiling. I sit up straight realizing that this isn't the regular of my house.

I look around frightened. I see Starfire unconscious, Wave is also unconscious, Skye is in the corner shaking like crazy. I scoot over to her while dodging everyone on the floor. "Skye what's happening?" I tried to hide the fear in my voice. When my hand barely came into contact with her arm, she screamed and flailed.

"NO NOT AGAIN! NOO!" She screamed bloody murder. I flinched back, almost landing on Wave. Starfire was right. Something bad did happen to Wave. But how late are we? I check her pulse to relax myself of any possible death. Her pulse is there and going strong. I give out a hefty sigh. What do I do now? I expected that little voice in my head to answer back but it was silence that answered. Strange, strange indeed.

I crawled back to Starfire after realizing that Skye will be no help. I carefully shake her arm to wake her up. Which was hard because I didn't want to touch her icy bits or else that will put her in pain. And that's the last thing I want to do. Starfire grumbles but still unreliable in the moment. "Starfire." I hiss hoping that my voice will wake her.

"Five more minutes mother." She waved me off and roll to her other side. I just sat there in shock. How can someone be so soundly asleep in a time like this? Why doesn't her mind have a sense of urgency that something is wrong. I grabbed her arms one last time hoping she'll wake up.

"Starfire wake up you dumb princess." A small smack throughout the quiet room. I let go of her in shock. How dare she slap me. I look down at her with angry eyes. And she's still asleep! I can't believe it. I honestly can't. I lean against a wall near me and start to think.

First thing first, where? I look around. It's a dark obviously. Um it's a small house maybe even a large shed at most. Sunlight breach the ceiling trough the many holes. So it's abandoned. I could faintly hear birds so we're still in the forest area. And I'm in a jail cell. Perfect. You know that's amazing thing to notice when you get kidnapped. A homemade jail cell for kidnapped people.

But what hits me next is unbelievable. "Tiny Party." I whisper. How I could forget about her? Where is she? By gods above if she's in here somewhere... But she wasn't at the house when the kidnapping happened, though that doesn't mean the person didn't find her while we're out. Dear gods. I close my eyes and pushed them against my palms. Breath Flame. You never know. She might be at the house safe and sound.

But that doesn't hide the fact that I still don't know if she's safe or not. Within the darkness I could hear a man laughing. I open my eyes to find him but the dark was just too black for my eyes to adjust. "You enjoying yourself Flame?" The man step into one of the light beams. Making himself visible towards me. I instantly felt hatred towards him.

"What's with the sour face?" He asked sadistically. I stood up and pressed myself against the bars. "When I get out, I'm going to kill you." I said boldly. But he only laughed like he could better.

"Oh like what you've dons before? I thought you gave up on being a killer? Or am I an exception?" He dared but I couldn't retort. He hit me where it hurt.  I buried that part of me and left it out to burn. But of course the past has a tendency to sprout from the most deepest holes. He smiled like a villain at my sudden pain.

He walked up towards me so his ugly looking scar was begging me to reopen it again. "You think you can stop me Flame but you can't. Even your precious gods even the one who you want to be your father." I forced myself to not breathe until the sensation of crying is gone. He's done his homework and now I have to suffer from it.

"I hate you." Is all I could muster in the moment. He scoffed at my words. He leaned in his face so they're were inches apart. "I bet you do Flame." I back away with a smirk and walked into the shadows once more. I counted to thirty slowly before collapsing to the ground. My body wanted to cry but I wouldn't let it. My body was in pain as I try to forget my past once more.


The amount of pressure of my head is almost unbearable. It feels like a bad migraine. Just all over my head. I groan slightly. As I roll to my back, I collide into another body. I open my eyes and let out a small squeak. I was face to face with my missing cousin I was so very worried about.

Wave looked awful. She was paler then usual, the bags under her eyes were darker and more noticeable. She was getting to the look of skin on bones. But her muscles make her more healthy. Her lips were so very chapped and her hair drained from its floor length to its mid-torso. I reach out to cup her face. It was so cold. Not cold enough to be dead but cold enough to be unhealthy for the body.

I look around and gasp. I saw Skye in a ball shaking in a corner. Flame leaning against a wall, slightly shaking. And Wave spilled out onto the ground. "Oh Wave." I cry. I pull Wave's upper half into my lap. But my intentions were sadly dying as my ice half of me completely counters my mortal body warmth.

"Flame." I call out quietly. She lifts her head out of her hands and looks at me.

"Starfire?" She starts to crawl towards me. I look at Wave with tears burning my eyes.

"S-she's s-so c-cold." I stutter, trying to keep my composure like Wave would. I hold her out to Flame, hoping Flame would understand what I need her to do. I knew she did when she nodded at took Wave and hugged her close.

She continued to talk to me about her experience so far. Which wasn't much. Also didn't help that I could see that she was holding something back. But that wasn't my concern at the moment. My concern is focused all upon Wave. "So you know nothing about Tiny?" I ask softly. Flame shakes her head slowly. I could tell she was trying not to burn Wave.

Within a few minutes, some color pigment returned to Wave's features. But she still wasn't safe. We're still stuck here. In a old abandoned building with no escape so far. "Why haven't you tried to melt the bars yet?" I ask curiously. Flame looks at me with sad eyes.

"Trust me, I've tried but something here is draining me to a minimum. I can only start a small fire. Hardly warm enough to melt those bars." We both sighed. Good outcomes looked slim. I could only pray that Tiny is safe and not in here. One look at Skye says it all. This is like a mortal version of Tartarus. Well a much more livable and simpler version. But still very scary and dangerous.

This is the unknown to me. Maybe Wave will know something when she wakes up. But by the looks of it, that won't be anytime soon. So we sat there with Wave in Flame's lap and Skye shaking in the corner. Every once in awhile, I could hear a man laugh. But I chose to ignore it. Things are bad enough without the unknown laughing at me.


Hello my peeps!

Please don't kill me!

The song above is I Don't Wanna Hear It by Backstage Cast

So thoughts on the chapter? Only two more left. Doesn't that make you nervous.

Well see you all later my peeps,
—Magpie 😜

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