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Here are some people I will like to thank:

My fellow authors! Thank you for helping me write this and being my friends when I was just a little newbie in school. You guys make me feel included and everything! And admit it Lailah! Us newbies have to stick together. And we did with some others in the equation. You guys are the best!

Thank you Alissa(jewellight11 ) for telling all the things I need to know in Greek Mythology.
Thank you Lailah( kytren ) for being a newbie with me! Couldn't have done it without you.Thank you Natalie( carln292 ) for laughing at every single pun and funny part. Your laughter is my laughter!

Thank you Rick Riordan! Without you I wouldn't have the amazing friends I have today. And this story wouldn't even be here, matter of fact! You brought a group of fangirls together and made them besties. It's kind of scary that if you didn't write Percy Jackson that I might've never be here writing this.

Thank you Rachel or LunaLovey for the spelling and grammar checks. You are a true living dictionary! Also thanks for being a great friend and for giving me ideas!

Thank you Friends! There's just too many of you to name after all you all gave me ideas for pranks and stuff. Plus some of the material is what we do in real life.

Thank you Readers! For giving this book series a chance. I promise it'll get better so hold onto your hats!

Thank you Language Arts Teachers for helping me get better at writing. I've have gotten so much better than I was before!

Thank you Libraries and Librarians for filling my heart with books galore. The books you give me help with ideas and story lines and able me to read more Percy Jackson!

And thank you Imari Wares for being our Ice Princess! Even though sadly we've lost connection, I have faith that the Fates will bring us together like they have once before! You were amazing friend and I hope by chance that you'll come across this and remember all the good times we had!

All I want to say to you all is thank you!

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