!¡ Fun Facts ¡!

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So here are some fun facts about The First Adventure. Enjoy!

1.) Flame was originally the child of Hades but we changed it to Hephaestus to make it more accurate to Greek Mythology

2.) In the first idea, Tiny Party was about eight when she first met Flame. Her family abandoned her and while she was crying, Flame found her and took her under her wing.

3.) all characters were basically Mary Sues until I had to tone them down.

4.) we were like ten-eleven when the Element Family came into play

5.) we got Tiny Party's name off a shirt of cats.(long story don't ask and you just had to be there in the moment.)

6.) At first Tiny Party attracted much more animals but Jared came first and Jared became our favorite. He just stole the spotlight and he stayed until the end.

7.) The Duke is Tiny Party's cousin on both sides of her family. Greek and mortal. Confusing? I know. But is later explained.

8.) The Duke kidnapped Skye before she met Wave. He tortured her to see the extent of her powers and other dark reasons.

9.) There will be five side stories for this series. One for each character and will be completely separate from the main series. And the first one up is Wave by jewellight11 .

10.) All characters in this book is somewhat based of each author. For example, Tiny Party is my character. And it goes the same for Flame(kytren ), Wave(jewellight11 ), Skye(carln292 ) and Starfire is based off Imari, who we sadly lost in touch with.

11.) Skye has really low esteem when it comes to her appearance. It's all of those scars and scabs that will never heal fully like immortal wounds.

12.) Every character is a single child except for Skye. She has sisters and a brother.

13.) Tiny Party and her hometown friend were pickpockets. They had color codes for different situations. Like code blue is family and code purple is caution. There are many more and will be mentioned within the series.

14.) The five main characters is cursed in some way or another. Flame and Starfire are both physically cursed. Tiny Party is cursed to be mentally unstable but can see through her curse with her hope. Skye like Tiny is cursed mentally but also cursed with wounds that will never heal. And Wave has a curse of her past that will ever haunt.

15.) The Duke visited Tiny while she was at the mental hospital, he was the only family to hug her during that time.

There you go my peeps! Those are all the fun facts I can give without any spoilers. Stay tuned for the next book and the first side story will be up soon.

See you all later my peeps,
—Magpie 😜

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