Chapter • 25 • May The Fates Have Sympathy

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I hear arguing happening right outside my door. I pretend I don't hear them. I take out a piece of paper. I also grab my crayons. I drew a hand giving a thumbs up and a thumbs down. I fold it into a airplane and walked over to the vent.

"Fugite." I toss the paper into the vent. I hope Tiny is home. I need someone to talk to. Especially when Flame and Starfire are both outside my door. Arguing about whether or not to bathe right in.

I started counting the seconds. The first five minutes flew by slowly. The argument outside has yet to cease. Then ten minutes passed and I realized that Tiny was not in her room. Disappointment came into play for a moment.

"Fine then, if you want to play that game." I drew the same picture onto another piece of paper. Fully ignoring the argument. I folding it precisely and walk over to the window. I took a minute to look for her. But I could not see her sadly. But what I did see were black crows. A shiver went down my centuries old yet very young spine.

There were two crows. They were sitting on a branch of a tree that was a bit far. At first I thought nothing of it. But then they looked at me simultaneously. Their black eyes were like mini black holes in Uranus's body. I shook it off and prepared to throw the plane.

"Fugite Minima Pars." I imagine in my head, every noticeable detailed I know about Tiny. I took a deep breathe and threw the plane. I watch it go forward for a yard then do a somersault loop and twisted towards the right. There I saw it twist through the trees and into the dark woods. I know it'll take a few minutes until it can place where Tiny is located. But eventually it'll find her.

As I listen, I could hear Starfire and Flame move out into the living room. I know this because their words are much more faint. I look back at the crows once again. But only one was there. The one remaining just stared at me. It was so still that I thought it was a statue.

But then it blinked. I jumped at the sudden movement. It ruffled its feathers and took somewhere into the trees. I comes my window and locked it tight. I walk over to my door. I should probably stop this before it gets out of hand. Yeah great thinking Skye. Since Tiny isn't here to make sure they don't kill each other, then you do it. Besides your a goddess, what could go wrong.

But as I walked, the sense of uneasiness stuck with me. Come on Skye, don't be such a mortal. Your safe here. Nothing can hurt you. Just stay inside, and stay safe. You can kill a roman army within moments, then you can take that uneasiness and slap it in the face. I imagined myself grabbing a faceless person with the word "ανησυχία" written on its forehead and slapping it silly.

As I walk down the hall, both Starfire's and Flame's voice grew louder. As I eavesdrop, I realized that I was right from before. They were arguing about me. I look over the corner. They weren't fighting just yet like I expected. I was surprised that the floor was charred or even frozen.

"She knows something Flame, I swear." Starfire said accusingly.

"You don't even know how spot on you are Starfire." I whisper under my breath.

"So what if she is? She's a goddess, she will have her secrets." Flame backfires. I couldn't help but feel guilty. Your supporting the wrong side.

"Besides have you seen Tiny at all today?" I hear worry weaved inside her voice.

"No why?" Starfire tried to act tough but you can't hide your true self from a god.

"Became I have yet to see her since last night." I see Flame do things on her super fancy high-tech watch of hers.

"And...?" Starfire raised one of her perfect eyebrows. Her pink eyes held curiosity.

"And I can't seem to find her hear signature on Navi." She sighs deeply.

"And why is that?" Now I hear worry in her tone. Hidden in her voice but it's still there. I can hear it, I hope Flame hears it too.

"Well either she left the field I planted or..." Flame drawls out.

"Or what?!" Starfire's voice raised to a higher pitch.

"Nothing..., nothing. She probably walked off the field. I'll just have to look for her myself." Flame started to head to the door but Starfire stopped her by grabbing her arm.

I heard a faint sizzle before Starfire let go quickly. "Tell or what?" I heard genuine concern and fear in her voice. Something I have yet to hear till now.

"Let's just hope she's outside the field." My immortal gut turned. No it can't be. I run back to my room. Fear rushed through me. I ran over to my window. I saw five crows all perched on a multiple branches. They puffed themselves big as though try to mock me.

They flapped their wings to laugh at me. Then one by one they flew into different directions in the sky. I sprint back to the living area. In my absence, both Flame and Starfire went outside. Out the window I see crows in the sky and on the trees nearby. I went to the door to open it with fumbling fingers.

Once I opened it, my godly strength cause it to create a massive hole in the wall. Irrelevant. I'll fix it later but now there's not a minute to waste. I see Flame and Starfire edge closer youths woods. "No!" I screamed but they were too far away to hear. I stood on the edge of the porch. Fear consumed every fiber of my godly body.

Stop it Skye. Don't let your fears stop you from saving two innocent lives. I closed my eyes and pushed off the porch. I ran with all my never fatigued legs could. That can't die, not on my watch. They just can't. But I was too late. I knew this from the moment where I heard Starfire's scream.

"Flame! No!" I open my eyes to see Flame unconscious on the ground. No. Little darts scattered across her neck. I stood in place. I was paralyzed, I couldn't move a inch. No matter how much I racked my body to, it wouldn't budge. I hear a murder of crows cawing at me. Taunting me that I could only watch

I watch as four more darts came flying from the protection of the trees. I couldn't even warn Starfire as she fell beside Flame. No. Not again. I felt five pelt my neck. Black dots instantly covered my vision. And right before I fainted, was the only time where I could move. And in that sparse moment I whispered, "may the Fates have sympathy." Then I hit the ground and nothing more was there. Only the sound of crows laughing at my failure.


Hello my peeps!

Please don't kill me. Every author has to have the joy of leaving cliffhangers.

The song above is Wolf by Tailor

You know that saddest part of this, is that there are only four more chapters. 😭

Well before I cry my eyes out I would like to say, that June is LGBTQ+ appreciation month. So please take the time at all this month to understand them. They are all getting abused by society and that needs to stop. And this is coming from a straight as a pole person.

See you all later my peeps,
—Magpie 😜

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