Chapter • 12 • Not Again, Not Ever Again...

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I know Wave is keeping something from me. She usually is but this is different. I just know it is. She's like a sister to me. And I really care for her.

I knock twice on her door before it opened sharply by Wave. "Yes." She looked in my eyes as I did with hers. Me and a very few people dare to stare into her deep ocean blue eyes. They tend to either hold a lot of emotion or none at all.

"May I speak with you?" I ask nicely. Hoping she'll actually talk. "Sure. Come on in." She got to be kidding me. I understand that Wave is a daughter of Poseidon but that doesn't mean her room doesn't have to be fill to the brim of water! If you don't see the problem here we'll let me explain.

I automatically freeze water. You think I purposely froze the lake when I got here? Well I did a little bit. But still I literally cannot touch water without freezing it. I know sad isn't it. I pretty sure the disbelief on my face said it all.

"Oh sorry." And with a flick of her hand, an arch of water stood tall. Just enough room for me to sit down at a small coffee table but still as a walked and sat down, the water turned into a thin layer of ice. "Do you have anything you need to tell me?" I cut right to the chase. I hate beating around the bush. It's just easier going straight through.

"No I don't believe I do." She said calmly. I knew what she was doing. Just the usual Wave move. Does she realize that I know her well enough when there's always something up. Like come on spit it out already. I roll my eyes. "Here." I placed an ice crystal necklace. It was in shape of a snowflake. "What's this for?" Wave questioned.

"It's so you can visit home freely and not getting questioned by everyone. Trust when I say when you want to visit wear this and you'll be welcomed." I say with a smile. She better wear it. I spent the last hour making it. Sure it doesn't look like much. But it's very difficult to make. It's created by the most coldest and most rarest form of ice. It's a very delicate procedure.

If she doesn't wear it, I'm gonna make her wear it

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If she doesn't wear it, I'm gonna make her wear it. And that's the truth. She may be scary and good at magic but if I want something, I'm gonna get it. No matter what.

I smiled sweetly staring her down. Literally staring her down. I'm taller her than her and somehow she scares me. But still I glare at her actually as she took it. "Thanks." She looked like she wanted to say more but didn't. This is what I'm talking about. It's very frustrating.

I stood and walked to my room. I have no more business with her. I have to record what has happen so far. As I walk out, I see Tiny hiding around the corner. Her nickname is foolish but to be honest it does fit her very well. I looked at her with a confused face. She craned her head up and put a finger to her lips. As if to tell me to stay quiet.

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