Chapter • 9 • Rainbow Puke

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Okay I've been in the dark for awhile. That I admit. After all this craziness that happened this past month, I needed a break.

When I came it of the Lab, it was oddly quiet. It was peaceful. Then of course, something or someone just had to disrupt that peacefulness.

Yeah I knew for a fact that Marguerite had something to do with it. Specially when I can hear little miss princess screams her head off. Followed by a familiar mischievous  laugh.

So being that somewhat good person to see the damage I go to Starfire's room. I couldn't help but laugh. Even when I realized she like transformed my room. Actually I didn't really care. Not that I use that room.

Okay so imagine Starfire being the oh so fabulous self but looking like a rainbow puked on her. And her room wasn't that much better. It looked like a rainbow exploded everywhere. It was that bad. "What. Happened." I managed to say between my laughs.

"What happened was that little brat colored bombed me and my once beautiful room!" That's it, I burst out laughing. "Now you know how it feels!" I squeeze out as I could feel my lungs start to hurt. "Oh when I get my hands on her I swear I'm going to freeze her little heart out!"

"That's if you can catch me!" Marguerite said as she came from nowhere. She ran through the hallway with Starfire close on her tail. I'm just glad The pranks by is finally on someone else. I roll my eyes and chase after them. After all I'm pretty sure Marguerite will need some help after she gets caught.


So I found Marguerite frozen to a tree about an hour after the prank and Starfire was nowhere to be found. I could tell that she was trying so hard to escape but she was stuck to that tree.

So when she was pretty much giving up, I made my appearance. "Hi Flame. Did you like it?" Of course that's the first thing she says to me. Not please help me, I'm stuck to this tree. "Yep. It was very colorful."

"Good. It was supposed to." She smiled smugly. "So how is Wave fitting in?" I say as I start to melt the thick ice. "I don't know. She left yesterday without a word. Not even to Starfire." She said it like it was a bad thing. "Starfire says it was normal that she just leaves without a word. But that's really sad. If you think about it."

Then I spaced out. She kept on talking but I didn't listen. Probably useless nonsense on how she came up with the prank. But I did think it was strange that Wave randomly came here and then left with no reason. Hey who can know what's happening with her life. I definitely don't want to know. It's none of my business.

Bu I can't help the feeling that something feels off.


Okay I'm not usually this emotional. But when it comes to Wave and my close relatives I take them to heart. Even if my heart is frozen solid.

Usually Wave stays longer than a couple days but this time she just left. She didn't even leave a note and she always leaves a note for me. So that makes me really disappointed in her. Even more than usual.

And it didn't help that the little brat COLOR BOMBED MY ROOM! I love my room and now it's a disaster. So here's how it went. I just came back the my meditation break out on the lake. Yes I meditate. It calms my nerves and helps me keep the my powers in control.

So I just got relaxed and all, and then the first explosion came. I opened my door and BAM! Color exploded in my face. Then another and another until my room was literally covered in color. It looked like a Crayola box exploded in my room. And I hated that idea. And it didn't help that my whole front side was literally a rainbow puked on me.

Then that brat had the nerve to break out laughing beside me. But before I could grab her, Flame made a wonderful (not) grand entrance of laughter. "What, happened?" She giggled. Rage flowed through me but I force the feeling to freeze her downwards. "What happened was hat little brat color bombed me and my once beautiful room!" I screamed.

"Well now you know how it feels!" She laughed and laughed. Flame told me that she likes to prank people, I just never thought she would do it to me! "Oh when I get my hands on her I'm going to freeze her!" I spat.

"That's if you can catch me!" The nerve of her to in past me and say that. No manners at all!

So I ran after her. But dang was she fast. It tried to freeze the ground under her but she was too fast or kept dodging the ice. Oh you know what makes the situation really bette. She had the nerve to look back to me and say "Run, run, run as fast as you can! But you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!"

But you know karma and either work with you or against you. Karma worked with me today but not so much for Marguerite. Because when she looked back she couldn't see where she was going and when she turned back around she ran into a tree. And it was really funny.

But because the very nice person I am, I froze her the very same tree. But I took a little sympathy because I could see her nose start to swell a little. I took the courtesy the apply some snow to her nose to help. But after that I left her frozen to the tree.

So I took me away to clean myself and my room. But I mange to get it back to its clean self. About an hour later I heard Marguerite and Flame but I didn't go to welcome them back home. No I stayed in my room to take it nap. But much to my disgust, that flamingo pink thing was on my bed. It raised its long neck and looked at me.

"Shoo shoo, go away." I tried to get off my bed without actually touching it. "But when that failed I gave up and decided to just freeze the bird. Not fully of course because I remembered what Marguerite said to me if I hurt this bird thing. So when it was frozen in a block I put it on one of my chairs and fell asleep on my frozen bed.


Hello my peeps!
How is everyone today?

You guys proud of me! I managed to update three chapters without a month or two gap. Sorry that this chapter is short too but you know whatever. I really wanted to prank Starfire.

So Wave is gone, Starfire is getting a taste of Tiny, Tiny is back to pranking, and Flame has came out of her Lab.

Who is your guys favorite character so far? Well actually save the answer because there is still one more character I need to introduce to you.

And yes Natalie I believe you know who it is.

Also I'm changing Tiny Party's theme song to Lost Boy by Ruth B. I believe this song represents her much more than the other one.

The song at the top is Crayola Doesn't Make A Color For Your Eyes by Kristin Andressen.

Guess what guys? My birthday is coming up! YAY!!! I'm going to turn fourteen next year! Hehehe get it because my birthday is in January.

Well see you all soon my peeps,
—Magpie 😜

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