Chapter • 17 • This Is Oregon Sunshine

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I hate rain. I absolutely hate it. Before my life got turned upside down, I actually once enjoyed rain. But then I got cursed and everything changed. You deserved it Flame. I shook my head, getting and thoughts of her away. This always happens when it rains. Thoughts of mom and those years came back. Which happens a lot, maybe it was a mistake of living in Oregon. I mean, it rains a lot.

It also doesn't help that rain hurts like the river of Acheron. I can't touch water because it'll kill me if enough touches me. It will kill my core and my core is the only thing that keeps me alive.

Your welcome.

Shut up.


I hate you.

The feeling is mutual.

I roll my eyes and continue looking out the window. Also every time I see rain, I start to miss the Underworld. At least there I don't have to deal with living things drama. And I don't have to deal with rain. Which is a plus. All I have to worry down there is Hades's bad temper and Persephone's artsy ways.

I remember once, Persephone tried to make me wear a flower crown and it erupted on fire and she totally freaked out. That was the last time she made me a flower crown.

Starfire walks in and sits next to me. And we sat there in silence, watching Tiny Party run in the rain and dance too. And let me tell you this, her dancing is falling and tripping on every step. I almost cringe of the thought of her coming in all muddy and ruining everything in here with that mud. "I don't know how she does it." Starfire says suddenly, making me look at her but she just keeps staring outside.

"Does what?" I ask not completely sure what she means.

"Enjoys rain. I prefer snow but rain is a pain. Every time I walk in the rain it freezes around me, which is very annoying." I look at her emotionless face.

"I know how you feel." I never realized until now, how much similarities we have and yet were opposites. Quite strange if you ask me.

Well opposites attract.

Go away.


  "So I've been wondering, how does someone like you be related to someone like Wave?" I ask randomly, not really knowing what to talk about. She gives out one big single laugh like she doesn't even know herself. "While we're cousins and she was the only other family that would visit me in the mountains." Her expression went emotionless. "Well before the incident." She added which caught my attention.

"What incident?" I ask suspiciously.

"It's not my story to tell." She says calmly like she was used to be asked that. Which is unfair! You don't say something interesting and mysterious, then shove it off like it was nothing. Now that's just a new low for her.

Just then Tiny Party came in through the door. Covered head to toe in mud. I see Starfire cringe at the sight of her as I just wince at the trail of mud behind her. Doesn't help that a soak Flamingo is behind her. "What happened?" She gasped.

The First AdventureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz