Chapter • 19 • Because Every Little Thing Will Be Alright

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Tiny Party

Ever since four years ago, I developed a certain anxiety for a peculiar day. And that peculiar day is today. I follow Skye's new trend and lock myself in my bedroom. I close the blinds so only a little light was in the room. Very much like when I was back at the ward and having a mental breakdown.

Every year I do this. I shut down and solitude myself and think about my life before. It's just what I do. Even when I try to convince I'm not going to do it, I do it anyway. It's a habit I can't shake off.

I can't shake off the looks people give me when I tell them my past. Like the group therapy sessions. They helped at first when I just listened. But when I spoke, I felt like a freak. Even the freaks there thought I was a freak. Or the time when I met some kid on the play structure one day. We were both in the outside garden of the hospital. When I spoke to him I felt ease. Which is hard because I was only seven then.

But when I told why I was in there, he never spoke to me again. Overtime the young version of me became distant to human kind. I started talking to the animals there. Like the birds or squirrels. But one day I couldn't anymore because I was classified as too crazy to be outside. All because I spoke to the animals. After that, I spoke to myself and only to myself.

Until one day I met two other persons. They helped me find my voice again. They helped me find my little pieces of sanity once more. But in general, they helped me find me. Which made me leaving them behind made me feel so guilty. No note or nothing, I just left. And that feeling hasn't left me since.

Which is why I'm at such a battle to tell the others about my past. Do I really want to risk the friendship I have with them. It's not like they'll understand. No one did except three people but that's all. Not even the animals could understand my pain. But they tried. But it wasn't good enough.

They wouldn't be able to understand. They can only imagine, while I need someone to know. A person who has experience what I've been through. But no one in this household will. I know that for a fact. And that's the sad part. I just want someone to understand.

I feel something nudge against my back. I roll over to see a dark pink body. I groan as Jared tries to push my off the bed. When I had enough, I sighed and sat up on my bed. Jared rubbed his head against mine to try to comfort me. "Alright alright," I push him aside. "I'll get up." I say with small smile.

I push myself off and open my door. I walk into the living room to see an angry Starfire. Her hair is down and all over. Her hair is straight and reached her mid-torso. I watched as she fixed it right up into a tight bun once more. She seems agitated and frustrated. I question myself if I should intervene or not, considering my mental state I'm in. I decide to nudge myself in. It might be a good distraction for me.

"What's wrong Starfire?"I sat in the chair across from her.

"Nothing." She said coldly. No pun intended. I look out the window behind her and gasp. In the far field was Skye trapped in ice and Flame trying to free her from it. I would've laughed at the sight of I was in a better mood.

"Did you do that?!" I look at her disbelief.

"Yes." She looked to her left. I just looked at her all wide eyed. I would've never even thought of Starfire doing this, specially to Skye. Why in the world would Starfire attack Skye.

"Why would you do that?" I ask nervously. Not sure if I'll like her answer.

"Because she's keeping secrets about Wave. And she knows something that could possibly save her life." Her voice turned into a snarl towards the end.

"What do you mean? I'm pretty sure Wave can take care of herself." Starfire rolls her eyes.

"Of course she can. But my instincts are giving me a bad omen about this. I just feel something bad is going to happen to her." She looks down devastated. I change my spot so I sat right next to her.

"Don't worry Starfire, I'm sure Wave will be back soon." I touch her slouched shoulder.

"You don't know that!" She snapped but immediately recoiled. She sighs heavily and placed her head in her hands. Only one thing could pop in my mind that could have a small chance of making her feel better.

"Don't worry. About a thing. Because every little thing will be alright." I start to lightly sing. While doing so I rubbed her back softly too. I remember my friend back at home so this to me when I would have anxiety or panic attacks. But instead she would sing me the whole song because she is a much better than me.

Starfire rubbed her face and gathered her composure. "Why are you doing that?" She looked at me suspiciously.

"It always helps me." I say softly. And for a moment everything felt like peace. My guilt and dread left as we shared this moment. It was so easy to forget all my worries as me and Starfire sat in quiet. And for a moment I didn't think about my past.

It was a miracle moment, that's what I'm gonna call it. Because in a single moment, life has decided to give me a moment of peace. A state where my sanity or mind could interfere with my life. Where I could finally breathe to my fullest.

I don't know what came over me but I laid my head on her arm, since her shoulder was out of my reach. And she let me, surprisingly. Then I realized that Starfire was having a miracle moment too. And that even put me further in relaxation.

But little did I know, that in that miracle moment was someone's dread.


Hello my peeps!

Well here's your double whammy. Yay!!!

You know I never realized how sad and dark Tiny Party's past was. And I created her!

The song above is Busted Heart by For Kings And Country. We haven't heard a song from them in a long time, huh?

Well guys, only ten more chapters left. So sad 😭. But don't you fret, more is on its way.

Well see you all later my peeps,
—Magpie 😜

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