Chapter • 6 • Now That Was Cold, Even For Me

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I can't take it no more. I really can't. Between cold hearted princess and the annoying pranking kid, and the crazy pink flamingo, I really can't handle it anymore.

Queen brattiness is completely complaining about everything. And I can tell that She is trying to make Starfire happy. But honestly she is failing at it. She does halfway so it's not good enough for Miss. Perfect over here.

It's been a week and I can't take it no more. It's time to say goodbye to little thief. I will get rid of ice princess later but she will be the easiest to get outta of here. Plus I don't have to live with her petty pranks anymore.

So I walk up to her and Ms. Icy sitting on a bench made of ice? She looked uncomfortable while Starfire felt right at home. Jared was no where to be seen. Good maybe he'll leave when she leaves. Yay then I would have killed two birds with one stone. Well one bird and an annoying thief.

I was about two feet away when she turned around and looked at me. A big smile shown on her face. And for a split second I felt guilty but one for a tiny weeny moment. She jump off the icy bench and stood before me. "Reporting for duty, Flame." She tried to sound serious. But obviously failed as some giggles came out of her mouth.

"You need to leave." I say bluntly. No point of sugarcoating it. "What?" Confusion was well across her face. "I don't need to keep you here any longer. So you have five minutes to get your stuff." I stare at her cold heartedly. Some say I don't have a heart. Well who knows maybe I don't. After all, living in the Underworld can change people.

"Oh. Ok." She said as she quietly ran to the house. I stood there while Starfire just sat looking at the still frozen lake. No doubt she heard this. She was only a few feet away.

It wasn't even five minutes when is have her running out with a huge white plastic garage bag. "Bye Flame." She said quietly and started to walk away. I felt my fingers touch something cool as I slide them in my pockets. I pull out the duplicate gold charm necklace.

I looked at it for a second. "Hey wait a second!" I call out. Her head turned sharply towards me. I could see a shimmer of hope in her eyes. Too bad I'm about to crush that. "You forgot this." I gave her the fake.

Disappointed filled her once hopeful eyes. "Uh ok..." She carefully grabbed it like it was fragile. "Bye Flame. Uh bye Starfire." She liked towards me one last time before running off to the nearby woods. Starfire said nothing as she just sat there looking perfect. Which made me feel a little mad but not much.

I felt something in my gut. Something I haven't felt in a long time. Something called grief. Which is strange because I haven't felt that feeling in years. I shrugged it off because it was nothing.

"Now that was cold." I heard Starfire say finally. She turned around leaning on her elbow. "Even for me. And I'm partly made of ice." I narrowed my eyes at her. "Wha-?" I tried to say but she raised her pretty painted red finger. "Did you even try to get to know her?" She asked. I shook my head. I didn't believe it was important.

"Well she seemed to know a lot about you. I swear do you even know her name." I started to say no but she cut me off. "Well of course you don't. Because you have no manners. I understand you were keeping her here for a punishment but you could've least know her name! It's not that hard to know someone's name. You literally have to say 'hey I'm Flame what's your name?' But no. You were completely rude and inconsiderate. Now look what you did. You shut her out in the cold harsh winter of Oregon." She preached.

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