Chapter • 8 • Sea You Later

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Tiny Party

It was a normal boring lonely day. Nothing happened. I didn't want anything to happen. It was one of those days where you just feel lonely and there's nothing you can do about it. All you can do is try to act normal and act the rest the way till the end. Because you know what they say. Fake it till you make it. I learned that rule really quickly as I was younger.

Jared was somewhere in the forest looking for his pink friends. Though I doubt they waited for him. Probably back in Florida or somewhere flamingos live. Flame is in the Lab or Lair. I haven't chosen the better name yet. Both sound pretty mysterious and cool. Also Wave and Starfire are talking. AGAIN.

It must be nice to have family willingly to hand out with you. All me and my dad did was argue.

I'm not planning any pranks or anything. Even though I have an idea for Miss. ice princess. But that's for another time. Right now I'm just wandering around. Either outside or in, I'm just wandering. Wasting the day away.

But then my day goes for a turn. I unexpectedly ran into Wave while she was doing her archery practice thing. Her bow was simply elegant. It was a silvery white wood that I don't remember the name of. The wood itself had a few small sapphires embedded inside. The string was one long silver rope.

Her sea blue eyes narrowed even farther as she concentrated on her target. She pull back the string, placing an arrow made from a contrast dark wood. The arrow head looked like it was make from steel or even titanium. The two feathers on the lighter bottom were blue and the sea itself while the top feather was midnight blue.

Then without a hitch she let go of the string. The wooden bit deadly arrow sailed towards me and hit its target on a tree. I stared in amazement. If I had a bow and arrows I would most likely shoot myself. I also learned from that mistake. Why I like knifes. Easy to hold and easy to get.

"I see you over there." I hear Wave say monotoned. I rose from my hiding place behind the earthly bushes. "Hi Wave." I say quietly. I wasn't being nervous or shy but her imitated posture made me feel small. Smaller than usual. "What's your name? Considering you already know mine." For a moment I thought I could see amusement in her eyes but I wasn't sure. "Marguerite." I answer with hesitation. If you couldn't tell by now, I'm not a big fan of my name.

"That means flower in French." Wave said a minute after she continued to shoot. "Really?" Well that's something I never heard. I never gave much thought about my name. I just rather not worry about it. "Mmhm." Wave replied while focusing on a farther tree. She raised her bow higher and I could see calculations form in her head. I never finished school and I'm most likely never going back. I can tell right away that I'll never be as smart as Wave. Well we all can't be winners.

"Bye Wave. Sea you later." I giggle as I run towards the house. You know I couldn't sworn I heard her give out a single curt laugh. Maybe today this day won't turn as bad as I thought.


When I first got here I knew I was going to dread this. How Starfire fit into all of this, I don't even know. I didn't even know she would be here. And for some reason Lady Artemis wanted me to watch over the Flame person. Like that was the most interesting thing ever. But as her loyal Hunter, I will do as she asks.

When the Marguerite girl came at me, I was cut off guard and in surprise, I turned her into corn. I don't know why. I just did. Then Flame came into the problem. Okay when Lady Artemis told me to look after her, I thought ok that she is an unstable demigod who needs help to control her powers. Nope all I got was an angry teenager. Roughly eighteen I presume.

When Starfire came into the picture, I was confused. Normally my dear cousin wouldn't get involved with these type of people. Usually the lower class people with her mother, Khione, and her grandfather Boreas.  Not a scrawny thirteen scavenger and a hotheaded(no pun intended) person.

Today I thought I would clear my head of unnecessary thoughts before I started looking after Flame. So I did what most Hunters did. Archery.

I took my beautiful silver bow. I had about thirty arrows today for practice. Perfect. I set one on the string pulled back and let go of the arrow. Trusting my instincts to land a target. I did this before I saw the scavenger named Marguerite hide behind the bushes.

I mentally smiled for some unknown reason. I exhaled as I set another arrow. This time I purposely aimed for the tree beside her. "I see you over there." I call out. She sheepishly stood up and nervously said hi. Even though I knew the answer I asked her for her name. I was only being polite and doing small talk. Nothing more. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to look after someone that's all. Nothing more nothing less.

But when she replied with her name, I noticed the hesitation in her voice. Strange but nothing interesting to look into. So when an awkward silence occurred I shot another arrow, this time farther. I don't know what came over me but I told her that her name means flower in French. Greek and Latin (and obviously English) were my main languages. But I might've took French class in my younger years when I was bored.

Then I guess the awkwardness got to her because suddenly she said "Bye Wave. Sea you later." I accidentally let out a single laugh. But hopefully she didn't hear that.


So is it a bad cousin of me to stalk my cousin. Sure I don't really think much about my family. Because let's be real here. Zeus needs to learn to keep it in his pants. Like seriously. You don't have to have children with every person you see.

But in all, Wave is my favorite cousin. Don't tell her I said that. But ever since she became a Huntress of Artemis, I haven't really seen her. So when I saw the little moment with her and Marguerite, I was like "yas my cousin Wave is actually making a friend for once in her life." But of course all happy moment come to an end. I even smiled happily when I saw her give out a little laugh.

You know for a Hunter of Artemis, she really didn't notice that I was watching her. Either she has a lot on her mind or she's getting rusty.

Well we can't all be perfect.


Hello my peeps!
How was everyone's holidays?

Sorry that the chapter is short. But it's mainly just a filler so yeah.

Okay guys when you realized that you read like ten books within a week. You get kind of scared.

Also when I read the second Magnus Chase and the hammer of Thor; I'm like OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Not only does Magnus share the same birthday as me but he has a nickname that is actually my name. Yeah my fangirl side came out.

Anyway the song at the top is Confident by Demi Lovato. This song can also represent Tiny Party.

Also the theme song for this series is Dance Apocalyptic by Janelle Monáe.

I believe that's all my peeps. Hope you enjoy this small late Christmas present.

See you all later my peeps,
—Magpie 😜

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