Chapter • 24 • I Can't

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Tiny Party

I wake up from the sounds of birds chirping in my ear. My back aches for its the first time in a month I've slept in a tree. I see a squirrel sit in a tree across from me. It held a type of nut in its tiny little hand-paw things. It looked at me before scurrying away back into the tree.

I sigh, my dream of my past still haunts me. It's been four years now and I can't help but dream about every once in awhile. It won't leave me no matter how hard I try to forget it. It seems that I can't let go of that place. I know it's bad to hold onto things. But I just can't help but let my mind good back to those kinda of days.

I slowly but surely, climb my way back down. I'm a little rusty but I get the hang of it. I didn't feel like heading back yet. Even though I have no doubt that Flame is secretly worried about me. I don't think she notices that she tends to hover and worry about me. I don't know how to feel about that just yet.

Starfire angered me very much. The way she was being selfish was just out of control. There's a line where you don't cross. I get it that she is worried but what she's doing is not being worried. What's she is is being a crazy lady looking for a fight. I know that because that used to be me and my dad. But that didn't work out for me and it won't work out with Starfire.

The birds are quiet. Still chirping but very subtle. That worries me. The birds here should be lively and singing loudly. I climb back up the tree. I look to see a bird nest to the branches next to me. I lean in quietly, careful not to make any sign that I was there. I don't want any babies to be left out to die. Strangely enough, both parent birds along with their babies are still there. That I don't understand.

I wasn't actually planning to see birds in the nest. They should be migrating already. Not huddling in a nest like they're life depended on staying. All four of them looked at me or maybe even through me. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I climb back down feeling spooked. I stepped away from the tree without haste. I walked towards the house but in a round way so I can end up on the other side of the lake.

As I walk, I get the feeling of being watched. At first, I shrug it off. It's been awhile since I had a walk among the trees, my mind is playing tricks on me. But when is it not. I shook my head. This is a different type of trick. A trick of fear, that's all it is. I remember He used to play with fear and another emotions. But it now this trick is not Him. It's just my head.

But five minutes later the feeling came back. I glance behind, I saw nothing. I sighed as my mind just won't give. I thought I was getting better but days like this reminds me that I still have a way to go. I continue my walk. The birds are still quiet which doesn't help my anxiety.

When I hear the bushes rustle, only then did I turn around. I didn't see anything at eye level so I looked up towards the tree in front of me. I see a large crow. I back away not wanting to deal with them today. But then I hear is call me out. I ignored it but it continued to ignore. But then another one perched next to the original crow. Then it cawed also. Then when I couldn't take it anymore, I ran.


I don't know what to do. Everyone is arguing and it's all my fault. Not that I would tell them that. They can't know that, never. I pace in my room. Going back and forth, back and forth and back and forth.

Oh I wish I can tell them everything. But I can't it's too much for them to understand. And I'm worried for Tiny.  If she isn't careful nowadays, she'll be dead for sure. And if I tell her then she's dead anyway. So there's no point into telling her. But Tiny is my friend and she always wants everyone to be happy. No Skye it cannot be. I sigh angrily at myself.

And I can't tell Starfire for sure. Or she'll flip! She would go all nuts and rampage until she finds either one of them. It's too dangerous to tell Starfire. I'm sorry but it is. It has to be this way or we'll all be in danger. And I can't let that happen. It'll put a real bad bruise in my reputation amount the gods. And I'm tired of hearing Aphrodite say how much better of a goddess she is compared to me! How rude of the goddess of love can be!

Then there's Flame. Telling Flame can lead to her telling Tiny Party and Tiny Party telling Starfire. And we all know where that'll lead to. So telling her is out of the picture. That idea went up on flames as soon as I thought of it. Hehe. Even though stressed out, I can still make puns.

Focus Skye. I want to talk to someone. I have to get these worries off of me somehow. I can't go to Olympus because then all of the gods will laugh at me. Besides there's no close portal I can go through to get to Olympus. And if we're to leave then Starfire will be even more suspicious and create more chaos. And if there's more chaos then more of a chance that someone will die. And I will not let that happen.

The only person I can talk to this about is Wave. And guess what, she's not back yet. I'm getting worried about. Perhaps Starfire is right, something wrong is in the air. And Tiny's the omen isn't helping either. I thought Wave was going to be gone a week at most. The fact she's been gone for almost two weeks is bugging me heavily.

I can only hope it's not because of Him. I can't go through that again. It's worse then being immortal and watching every mortal you care about, dying. This is why I was hesitant to come here. Because I know if I met the people here, I would get attached. Now look at me, how many lives are on me, four maybe even more.

I sink to the floor of my room. I tangle my hands into my unruly mess of hair. Keep it together Skye. I'm trying I really am. But it's hard. I wish I could talk to Thunder. She always knows what to do. But she has her own religion to take care of. I can't put my problems onto her. It's not right.

Maybe Storm, no that won't work. Storm would want to go straight into battle or something. But battle isn't like it used to be these days. Plus she doesn't know what she would be up against. She wouldn't listen to my warnings on how dangerous He is and what's He's capable of. So Storm is out of the picture. Sorry Storm.

So that leaves me one choice. I have to keep quiet. Or we'll all be endanger. Now that's not as easy as it looks. I take deep breaths. Everything will be alright. I chanted in a slight whisper. Maybe if I say enough then I'll believe. Maybe if I chant it enough then it'll become reality.


Hello my peeps!

The song above is Stressed Out by Twenty-One Pilots.

I hope this cleared thing up a bit from last chapter. What I mean is that last chapter was all a dream I hope you understand that now.

So what are your guy's theories on "Him" and is he the same guy Tiny is mentioning? I hope you realize that I'm just teasing you guys on purpose.

And before I forget. PLEASE NO SPOILERS FOR ANY OF THE BOOKS IN THIS SERIES. I'm looking at you Tali!

Also check out my entry for the Wonder Contest. The link is

And the link to the contest is in the book itself.

So yeah...

See you all later my peeps,
—Magpie 😜

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