Chapter 3

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-next day-

Percy P.O.V.

"Wakey wakey Percy!" Lucy said.


"You don't want to be late to your first job do you?"

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and change my clothes. I tried to fix my hair. Keyword: tried. I went outside and waited for Lucy to come out.

"Oh my, you sure have Natsu's style in clothing," Lucy said. I looked down. I was wearing white pants and an opened navy blue button down shirt. I didn't know how she compared this to Natsu, since he always wore the same. I can wear different things people, not just what I'm wearing right now.

"Well, don't just stand there," I said. "Let's go!"

*---- mini time skip brought to you by bob the whale .____________. -----*

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

"Its the easiest one in the board," Erza explained. " It's your first job after all."

If I had riptide right now I would have probably killed her by now. Literally. These puny mortals don't know who they are against.

"But why do we have to go work at some pet store?"

Believe me. I had no problem on going to work at a pet store, but when there are thousands of other job requests, each one more interesting than the next (especially the one that had to do with killing a kraken-like creature) you can't accept working for a pet store.

"My spirits are strong enough to take care of the other job! Hell, even I could do it if I had a sword!" I exclaimed.

"You want a challenge Jackson?! Well then, lets see you in action," Natsu and Gray said. I threw my fist into the air.

"Since you wanted this, you are taking care of this one all by yourself Percy," Erza added. "We will be there just to check you don't destroy the place."

"Well? Lets go!"

We went to the train station. We took our seats and the train advanced. Natsu was well... not so good.

"He has motion sickness," Happy said. Im still freaked out about the fact that Happy was a talking cat. We talked for a while until the train stopped. We got down and headed to the sea. When we got there, a huge squid was scaring the tourists away, and also trying to kill them so... you know.

"Are you scared now?" Erza asked, probably hoping that my answer would be yes.

"PIECE OF CAKE!" I said excitedly.


A sleepy Nico appeared.

"The hell? Why this early Percy?" Nico said sleepily.

"Sorry Neeks."


He looked at the squid in front of him.

"That thing? That's the only thing you could find?" Nico asked, clearly annoyed.

"Yeah, the team thought that since it was my first job I should take things easy. It was this or working at a pet store."

"Next time try to give me more of a challenge Percy."

Nico summoned skeletons that attacked the squid. Two seconds later the squid was gone, being dragged under by a bunch of skeletons that had a weird interest in the eighties.

"Now," Nico said. " Im going back to sleep, so you better let me sleep."

He disappeared. I turned back and faced the rest of the group. They were staring. I just smiled triumphantly.

" I told you not to underestimate me."

"Woah," Gray said.

"That spirit is really powerful," Lucy said, surprised of what Nico can do.

"Well kid," Erza exclaimed. "You have proven yourself worthy of being a part of the strongest team in Fairy Tail."

"Just to clear things up, I am not a kid, I'm seventeen for dear gods sake!"

I was slowly working my way up to the top ranks. We walked back to the station, Natsu asking me if he could meet Nico. I personally didn't want him to meet him, since he had his own problems involving love. It was surprising enough when little Neeks told me he was gay. What was even more surprising was that he once had a crush on me, but now apparently I'm 'not his type'. After we got back to the guild, all of my guild mates kept asking me questions.

"Is it true that you took that thing down all by yourself?" Cana asked. " In two seconds?"

" I don't want to brag, but yeah. I can be pretty powerful if I want to. It wasn't that difficult."

I heard people whispering things about me. I felt like I was the center of attention, which I hated. Suddenly, smoke filled the guild hall.

"IT'S AN ATTACK!" someone shouted.

The smoke cleared and a guy with blonde hair stood in the middle of the hall. At least I wasn't the center of attention anymore.

"Who said it was an attack?" the guy said playfully. " It's more like a prank!"

He took out a galaxy key. So this guy was a Celestial wizard after all. I didn't like where this was going. I put a hood over my head, so whoever he was using to 'prank us' couldn't see my face. I made my way to the back of the guild without being seen.


Two twins appeared from nowhere. I recognized their faces.

"This," one of the tricksters said.

"Is," the other one said.

"COOL!" they shouted and laughed at the same time.

It was creepy how they did that. Out of all of the others that could have been in that key, it had to be the two of them. The Stoll brothers.

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