Chapter 27

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Percy P.O.V.

"My back hurts!" Happy complained. 

"It isn't my fault you decided to sleep in the damn sink!" Natsu said a little too loud.

"Guys. if you don't notice, there are people who are still sleeping or trying to sleep," I whispered/shouted. I stood up and quietly headed outside. The weather was a little bit chilly, but it was okay.

"Are we taking Festus today?" someone asked behind me. Erza was standing behind me, still in her pjs.

"When did you wake up?" I asked her.

"I don't know, since three a.m maybe?" she responded.

"I don't think that is very good for your health."

There was a small awkward silence.

"Well, are we taking him?" she finally asked.

"No," I told her. " I don't want to have any problems, so we're walking. I also do not want a cat bugging me all day like yesterday."

Erza smiled. We walked back to the tent and started waking everyone up. Lucy was the first one, and since Natsu and Happy were already awake, they went to change to another room. Gray, well, he wasn't as anxious as the rest of us. We tried waking him up several times, but he wouldn't move. 

"What's up with Gray?" Lucy asked. She was wearing some comfortable shorts and a shirt that showed a bit to much of that. I turned around.

"Could you cover yourself a little bit more Lucy?" I told her.

"Why? Are you ashamed?" she said in a childish tone.

"No it's just that if we get attacked, you would be the first target. Believe me. One day I was walking with my friends and then a female monster came out of nowhere. I was disgusted by her face, but she seemed to take an interest in me. I looked down and found out I was actually shirtless, so maybe you will want to cover yourself a bit more."

"Oh," Lucy said. 

After a million tries, we finally woke Gray up. It took a lot of sweat, water and apparently a burning rock (provided by the fire prince Natsu) (he is not the king, I will admit that leo has much cooler fire powers than him). After everyone was dressed and ate breakfast, we started packing up. We started walking. The first half of the trip was peaceful enough, we only got attacked once by a hellhound, and I killed it in less than three seconds.

"Guys, im starving," Natsu said.

"Me too," Gray said. I sighed. We stopped for a quick snack and continued. After lunch, we found  a bit more monsters, but Natsu fried them, literally. Gray also used some of his ice powers and froze those weird undead people that came at us every once in a while. It was all peaceful until she came.

"Perseus Jackson! How lucky me! You and your friends would be perfect statued for my collection!" 

Not her. Not Medusa.

"Everyone, cover your eyes," I told them.

They all closed their eyes and stepped back. 

"You think you can beat me Jackson? As I recall, I almost turned you into one of my beautiful intricate statues last time."

I think she has memory loss. I recalled that event differently. She came closer to me. I looked down, avoiding her gaze.

"Come on Jackson! Let me see those rumored sea-blue gems!"

Apparently she's blind as well. Memory loss and blindness, secondary effects from getting killed by no other than Percy Jackson himself. Be careful if you're a monster, you don't want to get killed by the sexiest demigod alive (nah, I'll leave the 'sexiest demigod alive' thing to leo. I don't wanna get burned).


Nico appeared out of nowhere. I do not know how, but he was the only one immune to her petrification. 

"You again?" she said. "Well I guess i'd just have to kill you!" 

My recommendation? Do not mess with an angry Nico DiAngelo. Even if he is an innocent kid, do not mess with him.


I forgot to say he could be a bit dramatic when someone challenged him to a fight to the death. Mainly, those were monsters, and he always won. 


"Just kill her already," I told him. I could hear Medusa fighting against Nico's shadows. Let me explain, Nico can send monsters back to Tartarus just by using a shadow. More specifically, his. It doesn't seem like much, but the way he does it creeps me out. 

"You can open your eyes now," Nico said. I opened my eyes and saw a very tired Nico standing in front of me. 

"Well, with great power comes a great need to take a nap. Wake me up later," Nico said and then disappeared. 

"Well that was easy," Happy said.

"Because you didn't do anything cat!"

It started raining. Great. We walked for a while until we found a spot where we could settle in. I put the tent and we went inside.

"What do we do with all the rain? We can't continue with this weather," Lucy said. I had an idea.

"Everyone, hold hands."

Everyone took hands and we vapor traveled to a spot near Magnolia. 

"WE COULD HAVE DONE THAT SINCE THE START!" Natsu shouted, but I was already falling asleep from jumping this far. It was always tiring.

Natsu P.O.V.

What is wrong with the guy? We were already near Magnolia and he was already asleep. I shook him.

"Stop Natsu! Can't you see that he drained his power by doing that thingy to bring us here? At least let him sleep for a while," Erza said. She was right. We settled in that small spot and continued to Magnolia the next day, leaving Percy in his apartment.

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