Chapter 26

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Percy's dream

I was standing in the middle of a white room. I was completely alone, which kind of frightened me.

Perseus Jackson

I turned around and didn't see a soul.

Perseus Jackson

This time I could see a faint outline of a body on the other side of the room.

"Who are you?"

The person didn't answer. There was a long silence.

"Who am I," the person said. "I don't even think I know anymore."

Who was this person? Did she live here. Wait. This is a dream, of course she can't live here. i am really a seaweed brain.

"What are you?" I asked.

"I am a product of your imagination Perseus," the figure said. "I am the past, present, and most importantly, your future."

"What does that mean?"

"I'll show you."

The dream changed.

I was standing in a hospital room, Annabeth laying asleep on the bed. A nurse came inside the room, holding a baby boy in her arms. When the baby started crying, Annabeth woke up.

"How should we name him Percy?" she asked me. I was about to answer when I saw another person in the room. That person was... me?

"I think we should name him Orion. What do you think?"

"Orion Achilles Jackson."

The dream changed again. Annabeth and I (not me, the other me) were standing in the middle of the throne room of the gods at Olympus.

"Your children will be blessed by each of your parent's," Zeus said. A golden glow filled the room, and I was back in the white room.

"Was that my future?"

The person nodded.

"That future will only become true if you save her," the person said. I nodded. I knew exactly what she was talking about, and I was going to do it. I was going to save her.

"I will. I won't stop until I do so."

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