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A few months later  (In fairy tail after the 7-year time skip)

Romeo P.O.V.

"He's here?" Dad asked.

"Who's here dad?" I asked him. I hope it's Natsu. They disappeared a while back, and no one knows where they are or when they'll come back.  It's been seven years to be exact.

"Percy, he's back."


Percy has been visiting us for a while now, but the last time we saw him was about the same time that Natsu and the others left. I guess that since Percy is technically still part of Fairy Tail he can go on jobs. He became a celestial spirit wizard after all, even though he only had silver keys, as well as Aquarius and Leo (not their real keys, but since he is the prince of the sea in all worlds. For some reason, Leo wanted to help him out while he was here, so he also became one of his spirits). The door opened, and there stood Percy Jackson himself.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Percy said.

"The sky," I answered.

"Daddy, I swear you are sometimes so stupid," someone said from behind Percy.

"Orion, you are just like you mother, did you know that?" Percy said.

"Who is the little guy with you Perce?" Dad asked.

"MY SON! Even though he is more like his mother in some ways, he is still my son," Percy said excitedly. "And you still haven't met Annie." 

Two kids. Maybe that is the reason why he didn't visit in so long. The kid that was behind percy suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Hello, I'm Orion, what's your name," he asked.  

"Im Romeo, nice to meet you kid."

The doors of the guild hall opened again, this time revealing a not as pleasant surprise. Twilight Ogre.

"Pay up!" The leader said.

"I'm sorry, we do not have all the money yet. We'll pay you when we get it," Dad said.

"Who are these guys," Percy whispered in my ear. How did Percy get there in the first place?

"They are part of Twilight Ogre"

"Like the movie? The one with the sparkling vampires and those things?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"Oh, I forgot. You guys don't have televisions here in this world/dimension or whatever you call it."

"Well," Percy said. "No one messes with my guild and gets away with it!"

Exactly two seconds later, there was another surprise. The guy standing in the entrance knocked the other huge guy from twilight ogre in less than two seconds. 

"Man, I wanted that one!" Percy said.

"HEY GUYS!" Natsu said. The team came back after all!


Percy P.O.V.

Romeo hugged Natsu tightly. 

"You've grown Romeo!" Natsu exclaimed. Then he saw me. 

"You're back. Let's fight," he said with a serious tone in his voice. He set himself on fire and I dosed him with freezing water. His flames went out.


"I didn't."

"Yes you did."

"I certainly did not cheat."

"OKAY STOP FIGHTING!" Lucy shouted. Someone tugged on my shirt. I looked down and saw Orion. He had a new guild mark in his hand, just like Lucy's but blue.

"Who is the little guy?" Natsu asked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," I said. 

"Im Orion," Orion said. "And I want to challenge you to a fight," he told Natsu. Natsu started laughing.

"That is pretty brave of you, but since you just joined the guild, you don't probably know who I am, nor my strength, so I don't wanna hurt you buddy," Natsu said.

"Are you scared?" Orion said sarcastically.

"Okay kid, I'll play, but I aint holding back. FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!"

Natsu was about to throw a punch at Orion, but Orion caught his hand and flipped Natsu over his head. Annabeth sure trained him well.

"HOW CAN HE DO THAT!?" Erza said.

"He's pretty strong, after all, he is my son."


I laughed. It was getting late, and Annebeth was probably waiting for me. Orion and I said our goodbyes and vapor traveled back to camp. 

"What took you so long?" Annabeth asked.

"Natsu, Gray, and the others came back from Tenrou Island."

"that's good, now lets eat dinner," Annabeth said.


"Annie, I missed you!"

I held Annie (who is two years old) in my arms and tickled her. 

"Stop Daddy, that tickled," she said laughing.

I smiled. I couldn't have asked for a better family than this one. We walked to the tables were we met with the rest of the seven and their children. At last... we can live in peace. We can finally be free. 

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