Chapter 20

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Percy P.O.V.

Rachel and I were walking around town, waiting to be found.

"Perseus Jackson!" someone said. There's out target. I used the water in his body (I don't know how it worked, I guess that they are also partially made out of water) and pushed him to the ground.

"How more of you are there?" Rachel asked. She looked pretty menacing.

"We're a whole army, you think you can defeat us?" the spirit said. Rachel took out a blue hairbrush out of her pocket.

"Shit, she's mad," I said.

"You can't defeat me with a hairbrush!" the spirit laughed. I knew what that hairbrush could do, and now that she was blessed by Apollo, who knows what else she can do with that thing.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Rachel shouted. I backed away a little.

"You can't defeat me mortal!" the spirit told her. She threw her hairbrush at him. the hairbrush transformed into a sword in midair. It flew right at his face, disintegrating him in the way. Her aim has gotten better through the past few years.

"That was impressive," I told Rachel. She blushed.

"Well, what do you think I do when I am not giving out prophecies? I also train, and since Apollo blessed me, I have more powers than before!" she said excitedly.

"Well, that was one, who knows how many more to go."

"Do you think he was kidding when he said there was a whole army of those obnoxious selfish spirits?" Rachel asked me.


We walked for a while, waiting for the rest to appear.

"How many did the job request said there were?" Rachel asked.

"It said there was only three, but I guess there are more."

Just two seconds after another one appeared.

"Perseus Jackson!" the spirit said.

"Yeah, we've been through that crap already," I said. The spirit frowned and I used my sword and pierced his through.

"You've also gotten better," Rachel said.

"I'm special and you know it!" I said smiling.

"And you are still a child," she added.


We walked towards the guild hall. It was about twelve a.m. and only two had appeared. I guess there were only three after all.

"Can I crash at your place tonight?" Rachel said. I nodded.

"Yeah, but I only have one bed, and I can't sleep on the floor because it's too cold. I broke a pipe yesterday morning, I think it should be repaired by now." I said.

"Okay, but just this once, and Annabeth can't know about it or she will kill me," Rachel said.

"Perseus Jackson!" Many voices hissed at the same time.

"Well, who knew? There was actually more of them than we expected," Rachel said.

"I thought there were only three," I said.

"You think only three of us would come here to defeat you? You must be crazy," one spirit said.

"Wait. Are you admitting that i'm stronger than all of you?" I asked.

"Of course!" another spirit said.

That spirit is seriously stupid.

"Well, this shouldn't take long," I said. Rachel took her hairbrush out and it transformed into a sword. I like this kind of night jobs, they make me feel happy. I like being with Rachel (she is like my sister after all) and she is a good fighter, for being mortal.

"Well, are you going to move?" Rachel said. She already took ten of them down.

"Oh sorry, yeah!"

We fought like crazy. There were thousands of them, each one weaker than the next. After we finished them off, we heard someone clap behind us.

"Well, I guess Juniper won't have to worry about those things anymore."

"GROVER?!" Rachel and I said.

"Hey guys, how are you?" He asked.

"Wait, how did you get here to Earthland?" Rachel asked. "Did you get here with Chiron?"

"No, I can travel here and to the real world. It's my job to take care of the plants and animals in all places. after all."

"But how can you do that. The jumping to Earthland thingy?" I asked.

"Well, some of Juniper's cousins live here, so we came here to help," Grover said.

"Oh," Rachel and I said at the same time.

"Well, I guess I better be going now," Grover said. "Juniper is waiting for me and tonight is capture the flag."

"Tell everyone we'll be back soon!" Rachel said. I smiled.

"Yeah, please tell them."

Grover smiled and disappeared. I walked with Rachel to my apartment. I lent her one of my shirts, and she used it as a Pj. It was huge, and I laughed.

"Stop laughing," she said blushing. "I am the Oracle, you think that this isn't embarrassing enough?"

"Yeah, sorry."

Rachel took the window side of the bed. She fell asleep shortly after. I started reading. I know. Percy Jackson reading a book? Has the world come to an end? I do like to read, but I don't do it much, since I'm saving the world half of my time. After reading a few chapters I closed the book and put it on my nightstand. I covered myself and turned off the lights. I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

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