Chapter 7

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Percy P.O.V

"Lets take a job!" Natsu suggested.

"But Percy just got back yesterday!" Lucy exclaimed.

"It's okay Lucy," I told her. "Besides, I'm bored."

We started looking for a job.

"Hey guys, lets take this one!" Gray said. The details were simple. A diamond mine on the outsides of Fiore had been taken over a single dark wizard. Our job was to reclaim the mine and defeat the wizard. Piece of cake.

"How could one wizard do that all by himself?" Erza said. "He must be a powerful enemy."

This is going to be hard.

"Yeah, but we can beat him! Can't we guys?" Natsu said.


"The good thing is that it pays well and the reward is a galaxy key!"

We are gonna do this.

* bob the whale is back .___________. *

"Okay, we're here!" Gray said. Where exactly is here? We are in the middle of nowhere.

"The mine is over there," Happy said. Creepy cat. It was a very long walk. We wondered through the desert until we got to the entrance. I summoned festus to give us some light once we were inside.

"It's still dark!" Happy complained.

"Shut it cat!" Lucy and I said at the exact same time. Happy shut his mouth. We walked further down until Natsu told us to stop. He sniffed the air.

"I smell something," he said. Seriously, that guy was more of a dog than a human. I sensed something. And it wasn't nice.

"Good to see you again Percy," someone said. I closed Festus's gate. No. it couldn't be. The room lit up. In the middle stood a blonde guy with a scar on his face.

"Who is this guy?" I heard Lucy whisper behind me.

" I am called by many names dear Lucy," he said. " I bet that your friend Percy here can tell you who I really am."

" Why?" I asked him. "You died. In front of my eyes. I saw you die. I KILLED YOU!"

"Percy, you're scaring me." Lucy said. I let tears fall.

"I thought you changed. I thought you didn't want to hurt Annabeth!"


"Percy, who is this guy?" Erza asked. I let more tears fall. I was angry. I couldn't control my anger.

"My name is Luke," Luke told Erza. " You could say I was once Percy's cousin."

I checked my pockets. I pulled out riptide in it's pen form.

"Are you going to write on him or what?" Natsu asked. How stupid. Luke extended his hands and threw abeam of light at Natsu. It slowed him down.

"What kind of magic is this?!" Natsu said. I knew perfectly. Luke's left eye turned gold. It was his. Kronos. It was time. Luke threw a beam of light to every other member of the group. I dodged mine. I uncapped riptide. I lunged at him.

"How reckless!" Luke shouted. He tried to slow me down, but he couldn't even land a single hit on me. I felt something in my gut. No. I couldn't rely on my water powers right now, where my teammates could see. I only had Riptide. I continued slashing and dodging Luke. After a while of fighting I realized something. He was scared. He was afraid. He was afraid of me. After the first time, he couldn't even hear my name before panicking. Luke raised his sword, Backbiter, and I took this as a chance and stabbed his armpit. He howled in pain and fell to the ground.

"This is not the end Jackson, " he said.  "I'll be back, and I swear on the river styx, I WILL END YOUR LIFE!"

Then Luke disappeared. I started crying. I couldn't do anything about it. The others went back to their normal selves. I fell to my knees. I cried harder than I had ever cried before. The others just watched, pity in their eyes. They didn't know what I have been through my whole life. They didn't feel the pain I felt when I watched my friends die before my eyes. Selena, Beckendorf, Bianca, Pollux and countless other demigods who lost their lives in battle. I couldn't believe myself. I caused their deaths. I was the only one that could save them, and I killed them. THEY ALL DIED BECAUSE OF ME! The worst thing is that Im still alive, and they aren't. I stood up and my face hardened. I couldn't think like this. I had to avenge their deaths. I had to get revenge for what happened to all of them.

"If he dares to show his face again," I said out loud. "I WILL END HIS WORTHLESS LIFE!"

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