Chapter 13

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--- next day ----

" I need to find a job before I die of hunger!" Natsu said.

"Yeah, I also need to find one to pay my rent," I said. We walked up to the request board. There were many jobs displayed. There was one job that had to do with finding someone that had been captured by a fire wizard. The weird thing was that the wizard was hiding up in the cold mountains. Why? I don't know. 

"Im fired up now!" I said.

"HEY THAT'S MY LINE!" Natsu said and I laughed. 


--- 2 hours later ---

Why does Erza pack so much? It's only a day. I will never understand. We were already in the train towards the nearest station to Mt. Hakobe. Natsu had told me once that he went there to bring Romeo's father, Macao, back from a mission that he couldn't complete on his own. Lucy was there too. We got down the train and started going up the mountain. Natsu was behind, for obvious reasons. Do all dragon slayers get motion sickness or is it just him? Lucy was inside her clock spirit, refusing to come outside. Ezra was wearing winter clothes while Natsu was wearing his usual clothes. Gray, well, he was in his underwear, as always. I wasn't that bothered by the cold. I remember the cold nights we used to have when it snowed in camp. Even if the snow wasn't cold, the air sure was. I was wearing shorts and a tight short-sleeved shirt. 

"How are you not freezing? the lady asks," the clock said. That clock is annoying. gray was used to the cold by now. Natsu, well he is a fire dragon slayer after all. 

"I may or not be tolerant to extreme temperatures," I finally said. The truth was that since I also could control ice and liquids, I could control the liquids in my body and heat myself up. Pretty cool when we are facing Khione. 

We walked up for a while longer before sitting down and taking a break. I brought chocolates. I loved the taste of cold chocolate. I ate them all before anyone could ask me for one. 

"Where is that guy anyway?" Natsu asked. Just two seconds later, a column of fire shot through the sky. 

" I guess that's our call," I told everyone. We ran towards the fire. As we got closer, we could distinguish a man beating up another guy.

"Hey you!" Gray yelled. The wizard turned. Gray used his ice make powers and freezed him in a ball of ice. Pretty cool, but I could have done it better. Lucy ran to help the other guy.


"What's up Perce," Hazel said.

"The sky," I said sarcastically. " Can you do your thing and conjure a diamond or a gold bar please? Preferably with a touch of your... you know."

"Sure thing!"

A huge diamond popped out of the ground. The wizard saw it and took it in an instant. A second later, a bunch of skeletons dragged him away. You see, Hazel's curse was gone, but now she could use her gems as weapons. She summoned one and it acted like a GPS for skeletons and other creatures of the underworld. She once even brought a fury herself. It wasn't that nice.

"Thanks Hazel," I told her. She smiled and she closed her gate, going back with the rest. 

"Thank you so much young man! That guy took me hostage," The guy said. 

"What happened?" Lucy asked him.

"Well," he said. " I was at the magic shop when that fire wizard came in. He said he wanted to buy the key of flames, but only celestial wizards can buy galaxy keys."

I paled at the name. The key of flames. There is only one guy that can be inside there. I hope it isn't him.

"He took me hostage and brought me here, along with the key. He tried opening the gate, saying that his power would be increased if he accomplished to convince the spirit to help him and teach him more about fire magic. I was going to take the key back to the store, but since you were so kind and offered me help, Im giving it as a gift," The guy said. Lucy took the key and gave it to me. 

"Thanks sir," Lucy said. 

 We took the guy back with us to magnolia. He went to his shop. Everyone parted ways. I was alone, so I hid behind a pole and vapor traveled back to my apartment. I didn't expect I would see him again.


A bright light filled the room. A voice was heard.

"Leo McShizzle Valdez, at your service!"

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