Chapter 23

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Percy P.O.V.

"So, ready to go guys?" Natsu said once we were back at the train station. 

"YEAH!" Everyone shouted, except me. I was still worried about what Chiron told me earlier. We both know who might her master be. I didn't want to face him again, and I definitely didn't want to fight him in battle again.  I felt a weird sensation, that sensation when a monster is near. I stiffened.

"Oh Perseus Jackson dear, you never learn to watch your back. Do you?" a girly voice said behind me. 

"Kelli, you never learn," I said back. She started transforming into her true self.

"Ugly. As always."

"Is that the creature?" Erza asked.

"Isn't that obvious, Titania Erza Scarlet?" Kelli said. Yep, she is still a stalker. And how she knows everyone, that's creepy and stalker-ish enough.

"Who is it Kelli?" I asked her. 

"Isn't it obvious, it is him!" Kelli said laughing. I was angry, and pissed off.

"Take us to him!"

"Are you sure Perseus Jackson? You know he can kill you with a flick of his wrist," Kelli added. 


A small portal appeared and she stepped through it. I glanced back and followed her in, the rest of the group behind me.

We appeared in the middle of nowhere.

"WHERE IS HE!?" I shouted.

"You really think that I would take you there?" Kelli said. 

"Erza," I said in an annoyed tone, "she is all yours."

Erza launched at Kelli. They fought like beasts. Everyone was scared to even go near the fight, except me, since she is one of the S-Class wizards in Fairy Tail. The only one that could be better than her was Mira, Gildarts, or myself (I don't wanna brag, but it's true). They fought until Kelli landed a fatal blow on Erza.

"ERZA!" Lucy ran towards Erza and treated her wounds. I was mad. 

"No one hurts my friends and gets away with it."

I threw myself at her. She tried to dodge me, but failed miserably. I slashed at her leg and with a single swipe I chopped it off. 

"AGHH," she shouted in pain. Her eyes turned red and her hair lit up in flames.


She tried to bite me but I kicked her and sent her flying a few feet back. She quickly got back up to her feet and ran at full speed towards me. I used riptide to defend myself, but she avoided my sword and caught my leg. I cried in pain when she bit me, her fangs penetrating through my skin, but soon, all that pain turned to anger and rage. I stood up (well I fell after she bit me, what did you expect?), even if my leg hurt like hell, I would fight for my friends. 

"You still up for a fight?" Kelli asked. Her leg had grown back. I used my powers and formed a dagger made of ice. I threw it at her, and while she was busy dodging the dagger, I caught her by surprise. 

"Tell me where he is," I told her.


I plunged my sword through her chest. She dissolved into tiny pieces of golden dust.

"I had no use for you anyway."

Then I felt the pain. She had poisoned me. I fell back to the ground, screaming in pain. Gray was the first to react. He ran in my direction.

"Hey Perce, stay with us!" he shouted. i was rapidly loosing consciousness, black spots in my field of vision. I lifted my head and saw a stream of water a few feet away.

"Water. Gray," I said weakly. He put my arm around him and helped me get up. I would be dead right now if it weren't for them. Natsu came over and helped too. They got me to the water. I felt my energy being replenished as soon as my feet touched the water. 

"Thanks," I told them. 

After a while, everyone gathered in a small circle. Erza was looking much better. Apparently, Natsu was motion-sick from traveling through a portal (I didn't know they were types of vehicles), so he was out for most of the fight. Lucy was terrified, as well as Happy.

"Great Percy, you killed our only source of information," Happy said. 


"Well, what do we do now? How will we get out of here?" Lucy asked.

"At first, I didn't know where he was hiding, but I'm 99% sure he is where I think he is," I said. "Well, at least I think he is there."

"And where do you mean by there?" Natsu asked.

"Magnolia," I answered. "He is hiding underneath Fairy Tail."

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