Chapter 6

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Nico P.O.V.

I didn't want to go back there, but I couldn't do anything so I had no option. Every celestial spirit is supposed to go back to the celestial spirit world once their owner closes their gate or they close it, but not us. I appeared in a white room. Before Percy got Festus's key, I was all alone. After the Stolls came, it started to get a little bit crowded. We would just sit and play cards all day, since it was the only thing we had. The Stolls tried to open their gate many times, but they were scared of what would happen if Percy found out. The worst thing of this place, our powers don't work here. I could not summon skeletons from the underworld and the Stolls couldn't steal anything, mainly because there wasn't anything to steal. At least Festus can still make fire, or we would have died from the cold. A strange thing that we all noticed was that we didn't have to drink, eat or go to the bathroom, but we could do it if we wanted to. I wasn't starving but I really wanted a hamburger and some french fries.

Percy P.O.V.

After I woke up I felt so much better than last night. I went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection. I was still a bit pale, but at least some color had returned to my face. I brushed my hair with my fingers to remove the dried blood. I washed my face. My powers did work, so when I drenched myself in water I felt energized and ready to go. Who knew that the magic here could drain me out more than using my demigod powers? After I dried my face I went out for some breakfast. Mira was the only one in the guild hall, so I assumed the rest were either sleeping or out of town working on jobs. Mira was nice enough to make me some waffles, but they weren't blue, which was kind of sad. They were still delicious, though. We talked for a while. The rest of my guild mates started arriving like at ten.

"Hey man! Glad to see you're better!" Gray said.

"GRAY YOUR CLOTHES!" Lucy said and Gray blushed madly. I laughed, and so did Natsu.

"What are you laughing at?" Gray said furiously.

"WATCH IT GRAY!" Natsu shouted.

"OR WHAT?!" Gray shouted back. Here they go again.

"Hey Percy! You look much better!" Lucy said.

"Yeah, I feel better too." I told her. She gave me a friendly smile and I smiled back. She is so nice with me, as well as the rest. Even if I have only been a few days in Fairy Tail, they treat me like family. Being a part of a guild was better than I expected it to be. I stood up and went to the request board to see which job I could take.

" Hey, you can't take a job! You aren't fully recovered yet!" Erza complained.

"I can handle myself! I feel much better now so I can go." I told Erza.

"We'll come with you!" Natsu said.

"Aye sir!" Happy said after Natsu. Ugh. I don't want to be mean but I don't want them getting in my way. I also wanted to use my demigod powers for once.

"I was actually thinking of going solo for this one, if you don't mind."

They nodded. Yes! I looked at each job request. They were all easy, compared to what my demigod powers could handle. None of them paid enough. I searched for hours until I found the perfect one. Aha. Taking out a criminal that used fire magic would be easy, and it pays well. I took off to the train station.

* bob says hello ._____________. :( *

The train was faster than I thought. I got down the train and immediately saw a column of fire pass by me. I took off running behind the guy.

It was quite the chase of the year. The guy was fast and he could use his fire to burn me to a crisp any second. Good thing that I learned how to endure hotter flames, thanks to Leo who likes setting people on fire when he is bored. I tired to come up with a plan. Finally all those plans I made with the Athena cabin started being useful for something. I cornered the guy in a dead end.

"What is a celestial wizard like you going to do against my fire magic?" the guy said. He was clueless! With a flick of his finger he set me on fire. He laughed, but I was just standing there, obviously waiting for the fire to disperse. After the fire disappeared, I was still standing there. I raised my hand and summoned a ball of water. His face was priceless!

"No, it's impossible," he said. I smirked and the water bubble created a barrier around him. He couldn't use his fire magic now. I froze the water and it turned it into solid ice, a move I learned a few years back. I could lower the temperature of the water until the water became ice, or I could heat it and it could seriously burn someone. Let's say that with this powers, I could easily beat Gray in a fight. After defeating him, the police took care of him. I received my payment, 210,000 jewel. I could start paying for my own apartment now. It was getting dark, so I took the train back to magnolia. I took a walk back to the guild.

"Hey Perce, you're back so soon?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah, it was easier than I thought," I told him. I told them I could handle myself. I drank some water and talked with the group for a while. I walked back with Lucy to her apartment and we went to sleep.

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