Chapter 31

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Annabeth P.O.V.

No. This cannot be true. 

"Miss, you may check out if you want," one of the nurses said, but I barley heard her.

"Okay," I said in an almost monotone voice.

I hugged Percy. One of the nurses hooked him off from all the tubes and helped him in to a wheelchair. Percy tried standing up, but he wasn't able to walk yet. She helped him change clothes and put him back in the wheelchair. We checked out and went out of the hospital.

"So?" Percy asked.

"So what Percy?! You left me worried sick!" I said a bit too harshly. Percy turned his head down. I kneeled in front of his wheelchair to see his face, even if he couldn't see me. His eyes were watery, ready to shed some tears that couldn't be shed in a long time. 

"I don't want them to see me like this," Percy said "you know... the guild."

"Don't worry, everyone is out on jobs, even Nab," I told him. "Only master and Mirajane are here right now." 

"Oh, Okay. What happened to the others? Are they out on jobs?"

"Yes, they are," I said smiling. "Leo went on a quest with Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Happy and Erza. Piper and Jason went with Frank and Hazel to visit Chiron, while Calypso and Thalia went somewhere with Wendy."

"Where are Will and Nico and the Stolls?"

"I don't know, I know Will and Nico went on some quest together, but I haven't seen the Stolls in a while."

The rest of the way was silent. I pushed Percy's wheelchair through Magnolia. While I could admire the beautiful sights, he couldn't. When we arrived to the guild, it was getting dark. we went inside. Mirajane and master saw us and greeted us. 

"How are you Percy? Are you feeling better?" Mira asked.

"Well," he said. "I actually can't see."

There was an awkward silence.

"What do you mean?" Master asked.

"I mean that I am literally blind. "


"Yeah," Percy answered.

There was an even awkward-er(is than even a  word?) silence. 

"Percy?" I asked. "Do you want to head back now?" Percy nodded. 

"We'll be back tomorrow," I told master. We headed to Percy's apartment.

"I'm sorry Annabeth," Percy said.

"What for?" I asked.

"For you seeing me like this. I worried you so much." 

I hugged him tight. I helped him to his bed and tucked him in. He smiled, and I shed a few silent tears.

"Can you please stay?" Percy asked. I smiled again.


I slept with him that night. 

--- next day (bob the whale is back from a long trip .______________________.)---

I left early to go to the guild for breakfast. When I arrived, I saw Leo sleeping in one of the tables, with a very sleepy cat next to him. Natsu was nowhere to be seen. I saw Erza, Lucy and Gray eating breakfast with Mira.

"HEY GUYS!" I said. Erza turned her head and saw me. 

"Hey Annabeth! You're happier than usual," Erza said.

"Yeah, I had a nice sleep yesterday."

"Heeeyyyy Annieeee," I heard a sleepy Leo say behind me. 

"Do not call me Annie Leo."

"Sure thing Annie," Leo said. I rolled my eyes. I ate some breakfast and headed back to Percy's apartment. Just before going in, my phone rang.

"Hey Thalia," I said.


"I know, he is here with me right now,"  I said, going inside his room.


"He was asleep, and I didn't want to wake him up. We'll go to the guild later, see you there," I said and I hung up. Percy was still asleep in his bed. I took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes. When I got out of the bathroom, Percy was still asleep. 

"Percy? Wake up already. It's nine a.m." I said.

"Why so early?" he complained. I chuckled. 

"Because everyone is waiting for you Percy. Are you ready?" 

Percy nodded. I helped him up. We went to the closet and I picked out some clothes for him. Then, I opened the shower. 

"Percy? Can you shower with your clothes on?" I asked, Percy nodded. I walked outside and started reading a book while Percy took a shower. After he finished, I went back inside and helped him up. He sat in his wheelchair.

"I think I can walk now," he said. He stood up, only to fall right back to the chair.

"We'll see when you can prove it to me."

We went out of the small apartment and to the guild hall. I opened the doors as soon as we got there and pushed Percy in. Everyone turned to look at us.

"Percy? Is that you?" Erza asked. Percy nodded.

"So, how was your job?" I asked. 

"Well, it wasn't much," Lucy said. "It was easy enough, and who knew that Leo could actually beat Natsu when it comes to eating. He's so skinny that you cant even tell." 

Percy laughed. 

"Well, you haven't seen me in action," he said sadly. "Well, i'd better be going now."

"Wait," Gray said. "You seem okay for a guy who just got out of the hospital, but are you really?" 

I looked at Percy. 

"You should at least tell them what happened Percy. I also deserve an explanation."

"Tell us what?" Leo asked. The rest of the group came closer. Thalia and Calypso were beside me, and Natsu was with Happy who-knows-where.

"Well," Percy said. "Many things happened during the fight. I met with the arai, and ended up beaten." 

I gasped, and Thalia turned to me. She hugged me. 

"Continuing," percy said. " After I rescued Annabeth, I fell unconscious. I woke up who know how many months later." Percy stopped talking. 

"I'm not sure I want to do this Annabeth," he told me.

"It's okay Percy," I reassured him.

"Well, if you say so."

Everyone was silent.

"I'm blind."


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