Chapter 5

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-- next day --

Lucy P.O.V.

I woke up and got ready for another day in Fairy Tail. I was wearing one of the new outfits Virgo brought me from the Celestial World. I ate breakfast and decided to continue writing my novel. I noticed that Percy was nowhere to be seen. I finished writing a few chapters and went to the guild. When I got there, I didn't see Percy anywhere.

"Has anyone seen Percy today?" I asked Natsu, Gray, Happy and Erza. They all said no. I started asking all the people I could find. Mira, Cana, Macao, Elfman, Romeo, but no one had seen him or knew where he was. Weird. Even if I just met him a few days ago, it seems unnatural that he'd disappear without telling anyone where he was going.

"Guys," I said. "Percy's missing."

Percy P.O.V.

I woke up in a dark room. There where to people talking in the corner. I didn't hear what they were saying, but I could see that they were talking through an Iris Message. I looked closer and... no. It couldn't be. I killed him a long time ago.


"What do you want from me," I asked the guy just as he cut the Iris message's connection.

"It's simple," he said. "Bring your new friends from Fairy Tail to me, and then I'll let you go free."


I won't betray my friends for that.

"They will eventually come looking for you."

The guy took a sword out and stabbed me in my stomach. Blood started flowing from the wound, and everything went black.

Guy P.O.V.

I tied him up and left him on the corner. I just wanted the fairies. How easy was to lure them here. He's just missing a few hours and they send a search group after him. A few minutes after, that kid Natsu Dragneel came in running.

Natsu P.O.V.

I won't let him hurt Percy. Or anyone. I used my fire dragon roar and kicked him a few times until he was out cold. So easy. Then I saw Percy tied up in the corner of the room. He looked bad. There was blood all around him, and his shirt was stained with it. I doubted it wasn't his.

"Natsu, we told you to wait," Erza said. Then she saw Percy. We ran towards him. The guy had stabbed his stomach, and he was bleeding badly. I pulled him up and put his arm around my shoulder. Erza did the same. We carried him back to the guild as fast as we could.

Gray P.O.V.

He was our newest member and he was already in more danger than us. We waited for Natsu and Erza to come back with him. When they finally got back, everyone was shocked. He was bleeding, and from the looks of it, they wounded him badly. He was covered in his own blood.

"Don't just stand there Gray, help us take him to the infirmary," Erza said. I replaced Erza and she went for the first aid kit. We put him in one of the beds and started trading his wounds. After we finished www let him rest for a while. He would probably wake up by tomorrow or tonight.

Nico P.O.V.

I sensed Kronos in this place. I appeared next to Percy, who was lying unconscious in one of the beds in the infirmary of the Fairy Tail guild hall. They had wounded him. His stomach was bloody, but otherwise he seemed okay. I went for some water and poured it over his wound. His wound started to close until it faded, leaving a scar behind. I let him rest for a while. I took a book from the table and started reading.

Percy P.O.V.

When I woke up, it was already nighttime. Everyone had already left, so I couldn't do anything but stay here. I saw Nico reading a book in the corner. He saw me and came to sit by the bed.

"Hey man, glad to see you're awake. How do you feel?" Nico asked.

"I feel better, thanks," I said. I actually did feel a little bit better, but my stomach still hurt. Nico brought me a glass water and I gladly took it.

"What happened?" Nico asked. I told him about how I was captured by a guy that worked for Kronos. As I recall, the guy had a sword, but he didn't show any signs if having any type of magic. For some reason, he wanted Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Erza. After I told Nico, he paled (If that's even possible, that kid already looks like a vampire, except that he does't sparkle).


I shrugged. I didn't really know how Kronos managed to come back to life. After his essence was spread all across the planet, it would have been difficult to get him back together. Nico and I talked for a while.

"Well, I think you should get some rest," Nico said. I nodded and he disappeared into thin air. I sighed and went back to sleep.

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