Chapter 6 ~edited~

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The sounds of snoring sounded around the classroom as Professor Binns droned on and on. History of Magic was easily the most boring class that they had to take. Juliet's eyelids fluttered as she tried to stay awake, which was becoming increasingly difficult. She closed her eyes for a moment and was suddenly woken up by Draco shaking her.

"Hey sleepy head, class is over."

Juliet yawned, "I swear I only fell asleep a second ago."

"Well hurry up, we'll be late for Potions," he laughed.

Juliet yawned again before collecting her books and following Draco down to the dungeons. She felt a shiver down her spine once they entered the classroom, it was always so cold down there. They made their way to the back tables and placed their bags underneath the table.

Written on the board in front was the potion for today - the Forgetfulness Potion. Juliet opened up her textbook and folded the page, she remembered Professor Snape mentioning they would be tested on this during the exams. Professor Snape swept into the classroom and gave a quick lecture before allowing them to make their own potion.

"This is too hard," Draco complained.

Juliet rolled her eyes, "All you do is complain, just read the instructions."

"Easy for you to say," he muttered under his breath.

"What's that supposed to mean?"


Juliet continued mixing her potion and she could feel the anger growing inside her. She hadn't spoken to Harry in awhile since Draco started talking to her again, she didn't want her cousin getting the wrong idea. At the moment she was starting to regret that decision, she just couldn't get along with Draco as well as they did before.

She heard the sounds of an explosion at the table next to her. She saw Harry smiling to himself as Hermione yelled out in frustration. Ron had caused the explosion which had ruined Hermione's potion as well.

Professor Snape walked over, "Five points from Gryffindor for stupidity Mr. Weasley," he said as he sneered at them.

Juliet frowned at Professor Snape's retreating back and walked over to Ron, "Are you alright?"

Ron gave her a confused look, "Err - yeah, I think so."

She attempted to smile at him, "Here take this," she handed him a clean, wet cloth.

He took it from her, "Thanks?"

* * * * * * * *

After class Draco and Juliet made their way to the Great Hall for lunch. Draco's cronies were walking behind them. From further behind, Juliet heard someone falling to the ground and she turned around to see Ron on the ground. One of the boys, Goyle, had pushed Ron out of the way.

"Idiot," Ron muttered.

Draco turned around as well, "Did you say something Weasley?"

Ron stood up, "No."

Draco shoved him, "I think you did."

Hermione stepped forward, "Leave him alone Malfoy."

"What are you going to do Granger if I don't?"

Juliet grabbed him, "Just leave them alone."

Draco looked at her in disbelief, "Whose side are you on?"

Juliet glared at him, "I'm not on anyone's side. Just leave them alone."

Draco shook his head and summoned his friends to follow.

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