Chapter Seventeen:A Boy Or A Girl?

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It was the next day and Justin and Andrea went to Jeylin at The Kilos to tell her what there planning to do"Hey Jeylin we need to talk to you"said Justin and she turns and sees them.

"Yeah whats up?"she says.

"Later on we are planning to go underground here and we need your help and you have to get us in so figure out whats M gender"said Andrea.

"What!?M will kill us"said Jeylin with a worried tone.

"Jey we need to stop this before he kills us all"said Justin.

"If its a he"said Jeylin.

"Look we will need to tell the others but we need to do this for the sake of our lives"said Andrea.

"Okay lets do this so what-Oh My God"said Jeylin.

"What?"asks Justin and they both turn and they were surprised.

"Is that-"said Justin and Andrea finishes his sentence.

"Cristy yeah"she said and they all kept staring at her.

"Guys its and odd time for her to come back right?"asked Jeylin.

"I-I-I don't know"said Justin.

"We can trust her right?"asked Andrea.

"She just disappeared so at this point I don't know?"said Justin and they continue to look her as she checks in to The Kilos.

Jeylin was at The Hospital with Alfonso"Jeylin your baby is doing fine looks like it is doing good"said Dr.Lect.

"Thank You Doctor and is it determine for the Gender?"asks Jeylin.

"Yes right now there printing the information which will have the gender if the baby so I will be right back"said Doctor Lect and he leaves.

"I really hope its a boy"said Alfonso.

"I want a cute baby girl"said Jeylin and the doctor comes in.

"Can you tell us please"said Alfonso and they hold hands and The Doctor tells them something.

"Well the processor isn't working at the moment but you will get your results this afternoon in your email addresses so we just need to let you sign some form okay"said The Doctor.

"Oh okay at least were getting the results today"said Jeylin with a smile and continues to hold Alfonso's hand.

Jose was walking with Henry and he told him what happened with him and Jacky"Good you told her and at least you bros knew about this"said Henry with a smile.

"Yeah but it still kinda hurt her Henry I should've told her sooner"said Jose.

"But Jose you didn't have a choice but since its over for you and look your still alive"said Henry and Jose phone rings and he pulls out his phone and sees the message.

"Oh my god"said Jose.

"What happened?"asked Henry.

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