Chapter Thirty-Five: The Findings

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It was the next morning and everyone was at Justin's house since the game turned on"Who's next?" asked Andrea.

"It's Justin" said Jacky.

"Yeah ugh I too much to deal with and Jey I'm sorry I know it wasn't your fault just hit me a lot" said Justin.

"I know and I accept your apology" said Jeylin and they hug as the phone turns on.

"Guys sorry to ruin the moment but look" said Aylin and they see the phone and Justin picks it up and it says.


"What location?" asked Jacky as Justin pulls out a note.

"I found it next to the game when it turned on" said Justin.

"Well follow it and take the phone" said Aylin.

"I can't go right now it's to early I'll goo later, I'll text you girls later when I go or Aylin will inform you" said Justin.

"Alright bye guys be safe" said Jacky as they all left. Hours later there was a knock on Justin's door and Justin answers it and it was the police and immediately enter his house.

"What the hell is going on?" yelled Justin.

"Justin cops literally came into the room what the fuck is going on?" asked Aylin.

"Hello you two"said a familiar voice and they see who it is.

"It's you" said Justin.

"So glad to see you two again and especially to the girl who we all thought was dead" said Detective Taylor.

"What's going on?!" asked Aylin.

"Well we still don't know who killed Melanie and all of you are our main suspects" said Detective Taylor.

"Wait that's our stuff!" yelled Justin.

"Yes we are using everything that we can to find out what actually happened to Melanie that night I hope I am mistaken with you put group, Oh! Also take their phones"said Detective Taylor.

"WHAT?!" yelled Aylin.

"NO!!" yelled Justin as police officers take away their phones and they leave.

"We need to contact the others" said Justin as they leave the house.

Everyone meet at Jeylin's house and Jonathan came with Andrea"Okay guys here, these are temporary phones to contact us and other ONLY" said Jonathan.

"Flip phones? Feels like I'm back in high school" said Jeylin.

"We've been suck in high school for the past months" said Jacky and they all look at each other with worried but also sad looks.

"It sucks you know, after five free years and the moment we all come back it starts again but this time it hit all of us too hard" said Justin.

"Yeah and this M is out for blood now" said Andrea as they all had worried looks.

"Guys look the game is almost over you guys just need to end it, who's turn is it?" asked Jose and Justin raises his hand.

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