Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Awakening

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The doctor did a check up on Justin to make sure he still is in good condition after he woke up"Well Justin you seemed to be doing just fine if you stay like this you get to be out of here soon"said The Doctor and he leaves and everyone was in the room.

"I honestly was scared that I was gonna be gone"said Justin with a happy face.

"We all thought so to but Justin we need to......"said Andrea and they all look at each other.

"Guys what's going on?"asked Justin.

"Guys this isn't the time he just woke up"said Henry with a worried look.

"He deserves to know though"said Jeylin.

"Guys what the hell is going on!?"asked Justin.

"James is still out there the cops haven't caught him"said Henry and Justin has a surprised face.

"H-Ho-How is that possible"said Justin.

"Ummm minutes before they took you to the hospital he was gone"said Jeylin.

"Uhhh how about my mom Lena and Darinka?"asked Justin.

"Lena Henry can tell what happened and Darinka last time we heard she was released out of the police station"said Andrea.

"What happened with you and Lena, Henry"asked Justin.

"I shout at her because of how she lied to you"said Henry and Justin still had a surprised face.

"I want to be alone I want all of you to leave"said Justin.

"Justin look-"said Jacky until he interrupted.

"I WANT ALL OF YOU TO LEAVE NOW!"Justin yelled and they all looked at each other and left the room.

"Great now he's mad at all of us"said Andrea.

"Yeah but I can't blame him after what happened and what Henry did we just need to give him time"said Gloria and all of there phones ring.

"But I Won't Give Him Space-James"

"We need to stay now!"said Jacky.

"We can't if Justin sees us he will be more pissed off call the rest of the guys including Henry"said Jeylin as they all go to Jeylin's house. Everyone was at Jeylin's house and stared to talk.

"How's Justin?"asked Jose.

"He's doing fine he will be out of the hospital soon but he's mad at us"said Gloria.

"Wait what!? Why!"said Jonathan.

"Henry and us that's why"said Jacky.

"Well anyway we need to protect him"said Henry.

"What does he mean?"asked Jose.

"James sent us a message saying that he's going after Justin and if he sees us at the hospital he might get more pissed off and he might stay longer which is worse"said Andrea.

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