Chapter Twenty Three:The Truth

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*Hey Guys so this will be a short chapter but still read this will be worth it Love You Guys*

It was the next day and the group went to The Brew since Justin wanted to talk about what he saw the other day"Okay yesterday was fun"said Andrea.

"Oh my god yes it was"said Gloria.

"For me it was literally the best day ever"said Justin.

"Were glad that you finally got married especially to your crush back in high school"said Justin.

"Well I was about to marry the wrong guy but now I married the right one"said Justin.

"Thats cute"said Jacky and Justin laughed and there phones vibrated and they pulled out there phones and the message says.

"Wedding Bells Are Over Now I Hear The Bells Of Death-M"

"Talk about a mood killed"said Jacky.

"Guys I need to tell you something"said Justin.

"What is it?"asked Jeylin.

"When I left when we were helping mom for her party Henry found M's Lair and had all of these pictures of us and now and when we were away and lots of blueprints but they came in but they left and before we left we saw the blueprints they had it was the prints for the building where we are doing the party"said Justin.

"Oh My God what does the mean?"asked Gloria.

"Means that he wants to kill us at the party tomorrow"said Jeylin and they all had scared faces and worried looks.Jeylin needed to find our who is M fast before someone else in the group dies and she goes to Jose to help.

"Hey Jeylin whats up?"he says and he lets her in.

"I need you to help me locate M I need to find out who he is before he hurts someone else"said Jeylin.

"Okay but do the rest know?"asked Jose.

"NO!!Then they will be in more danger all of us in one place one kill"said Jeylin.

"I don't know Jey they might get worried"said Jose.

"Jose Me,Justin,Andrea,Gloria,Jacky or all of us might die tomorrow night so if you don't help me then its all over with all of us going down or just one"said Jeylin and Jose thinks it threw.

"Alright come on so all we need to do is locate his phone and where he usually texts and hiding spot"said Jose and they went to his computer and he started to do so many things.

"Okay I got it so he can be in Darinka's Old House or Your Home"he said.

"No it has to be where Darinka used to live and hide to"said Jeylin.

"True because I see a huge frequency right now he must be there right now"said Jose.

"Alright Thank You Jose"said Jeylin and before she steps out Jose asked her something.

"Jey what do I tell the group?"he asked.

"Tell them I love them and no matter what I'll see them soon bye Jose protect Jacky"said Jeylin and she goes out running to Darinka's Old Home.Jeylin got to Darinka's House and she walked inside and looked around and saw nearly everything was empty.

"Hello?"she says and she couldn't see or hear anyone she kept walking and she went upstairs and she saw the door open from across the hall and she was walking until someone comes out and it was M.

"YOU!!"yells Jeylin and M turns"I knew you were here"said Jeylin and he goes running and takes Jeylin.

"LET....ME....GO!!"she yelled and punched him and she went running until he grabbed her in the hair and threw her off the stair case"NOO!!!!"she yelled and lands on a table breaking it and kinda braking her fall and M went to her.

"WHO ARE YOU!!!"she yelled and M looks at her and takes off his hoodie.

"OH MY GOD!!!ITS BEEN YOU!!!NO WAY!!!"yelled Jeylin.

"Now You Pay The Price"said M with a deep voice changer.

"NOO!!!!!!"yells Jeylin and he hits her with a pipe knocking her out.

Next Time On The Relationships:

Chapter Twenty-Four:The Final


"Whats going on?"-"Where did she go?"-"Why didn't she tell us?"-"I cant believe this"-"She's not answering her phone"


"GUYS RUN!!!"-"AHHH!!!"-"Not HERE AGAIN!!!"-"HELP!!!"-"GUYS COME ON!!!!"-"We need to leave here now!!!!"




"WHO ARE YOU!!!"-"OH MY GOD!!"-"Why!!"-"I had hated you guys since the beginning every single one of you!!!"-"GUYS HE WENT THIS WAY!!!"


"Guys--Has A Gun!!"-"shhhhh"-"Now You Will Be In The Dark!"-"AHHHHH"-*gun shot*"AHHHHHH!!!!"-"HELP ME!!!"

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