Chapter Twenty-One:Seeking

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It was the next day and the group was at Justin's house and Jacky was with them for she can't be alone after the horrible death of her mother"Jacky are you sure you rather be helping the funeral"asked Gloria.

"I want to but M did this to my mom and I feel like the only way for her to find peace is to end this once and for all M will pay for what he has done to us"said Jacky.

"Seeing all of that happened in front of our eyes is so horrible"said Andrea.

"Well we all have lost someone important to us through out our lives and we mostly saw them die in front of us we all need to stay strong like we did those times like Jacky said we need to focus on finding out who is M"said Jeylin and they all look at each other with agreement.

"Okay we need to dig more and-"said Justin until there was a knock on the door and Justin turns and goes to the front door and slowly opens it.

"Oh hi Larry scared me for a second"said Justin.

"Oh sorry well just here is your mail oh and your invitation to the party is there and for the rest of friends just letting you know"said Larry and Justin goes to the table where the girls are siting at.

"What party?"asked Gloria.

"I forgot to tell you guys since all of this happened but my mom is doing a party for her anniversary of her victory a lot of people are gonna be there so I reserved for all of us especially our dates"said Justin with a smile and gives them there invitation.

"Well this is gonna be fun"said Jacky and all of there phones ring and they all look at each other and grab there phones and open there messages and it says.

"See You There Bitches(picture of invitation)-M"

"Well he is going what else is next someone we hate"said Andrea.

"Guys I just got a message from Bryan he wants to meet us"said Gloria.

"Great now all the enemies are fucken invited all of a sudden"said Justin.

"What should I say?"asked Gloria.

"Tell him we will be there to meet us at The Brew its time we all talked face to face"said Justin and they all get another message and they all look at there phones and the message says.


"What does he mean?"asked Andrea.

"Its time to play his game"said Justin.

"He said he can do right now"said Gloria.

"Lets go then guys"said Justin and they all got up and went straight to The Brew to talk to Bryan Face To Face.The group got to The Brew and they saw Bryan sitting there waiting for them.

"Alirght lets do this"said Jacky and they all walk up to him.

"Hi guys"said Bryan.

"Hi Bryan"says Gloria.

"Ummm please have a seat"said Bryan and they all sit down and they all look at him.

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