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Trigger Warning

Jack and Mark walked with me down the hall. Even though I was in between them, they kept talking and laughing about some stuff that had been happening lately.

"So Y/n. Ya got someone waiting for you at home?" Mark smiled, raising an eyebrow and nudging me with his elbow. To be perfectly honest, I wish I didn't.

"Heh. Yeah, I do, actually."

"Oh really. Did ya hear that Jack? She's taken," Mark jokingly said, chuckling as he looked Jack's way. Jack didn't seem to care, but I could see a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah. I heard. Anyway. You two busy after classes? I thought we could hang. We could get to know our new friend here." Jack smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I smiled, but shook my head, "Sorry, but do you think we could later. Like for dinner maybe?"

Mark nodded, "That sounds good."

"Do you have plans with your boyfriend after school?" Jack asked, smirking at me. I tried to smile, but it might have come off as a worried smile.

"Heh.. Sorta.." It was more like me doing all the chores or else I was going to have a terrible afternoon. Again.

"Well, We'll see you then, alright? How about we give you our number and you can text us."

I nodded, as Jack pulled out a pen and grabbed my wrist. I panicked and jerked my arm away, "What are you doing?"

They both looked at me, confused, before Jack said, "I was going to write my number on your arm."

I would let him, but I couldn't let him see my arms. So, I pulled out a piece of paper and tore it into pieces. I gave one to Mark, one to Jack and I kept two.

"Just write it down on paper. I wouldn't want the number to smear or anything on my arm."

They nodded as they wrote down their number. I did the same on both notes. I wrote my number and then a little smiley face, next to my name.

We all exchanged numbers and then we parted ways. I headed for my next class, which was chemistry. Hopefully I didn't destroy the room in this class. I always was terrible at chemistry.


It was around one in the afternoon when I drove back to Mike's house. He always got angry when I did it was our house. He says it only belonged to him. I was just there to help pay bills.

When I got home, I walked inside and went straight into the laundry room. I threw a bunch of Mike's dirty clothes into the washer and started it. Then I ran out to the kitchen and saw the tall stack of dishes. Mike had made all these dishes. I was lucky if I ever got anything to eat on.

I began to scrub all the gross food scum off all the dishes, making sure each dish is as clean as it possibly can. Every single second that went by, I was hoping that Mike wouldn't walk in. I hoped he would be gone for hours. This was what it was going to be like for me every day, until I graduate college. Then I could get a job and finally get my own place, away from Mike. I'd never have to see him again.

That's when, I heard the creak open.

No! Please! Don't be Mike! Be someone else.. Please be someone else.

I knew it was him, as soon as I heard the door be slammed shut. I began to shake as I looked at the pile of wet dishes sitting next to the sink. I still had to dry them. I quickly cleaned my hands off before I turned around to go find him, but he was already right there.

He growled in anger as he grabbed my wrist, "Dammit Y/n! What the fuck did I tell you this morning?! Are you deaf you little shit?! I wanted this done!"

He slapped me across the face and I held my hands to my cheek. I tried to ignore the pain as he pushed me onto the floor.

"I give you a place to live and food to eat and this is how you repay me?!" He yelled, kicking me in the stomach. I wrapped my arms around myself, shutting my eyes tightly. My tears began to stroll down my face, but that didn't stop him from kicking me again and again.

"Quit crying! You brought this on yourself, ya little bitch. Maybe you should start doing what I tell you to do!" He finally stopped, shaking his head in disappointment, before turning around and leaving the kitchen.

I slowly sat up and lifted my shirt. I had a bunch of bruises all over my torso. These bruises were practically black. I sniffed, trying hard not to cry anymore.

My phone suddenly vibrated, so I reached into my pocket and looked at the text. It was Jack.

I smiled and read his text.

Jack: Me and Mark are going to the café down the road from the University. Join us whenever you'd like.

Jack was so nice. He might have almost killed me, but he is such a good guy. It almost made me forget about the horrible beating I had just taken. I texted him back, a tear making its way down my cheek.

Me: I'll be there soon. I just need to finish getting ready.

I stood up and headed to my room, avoiding Mike seeing me as I passed the living room. He sat there watching some show about sex and stuff. I cringed at the thought and then walked into my room.

I opened my closet to look at my clothes. I mostly had long sleeved shirt and sweaters. Sometimes I wore a turtle neck, but that was only for bad occasions. Today wasn't bad. I pulled off my clothes and put on a long sleeved dress, just to look somewhat pretty. It was long enough to cover my legs, so I could wear it. I smiled at my reflection, but it slowly became a frown.

Why did it have to be me? Why did Mike have to take an interest in me and then.. Use me to be his slave.

I pulled at my sleeves to look at my bare arms. They were covered in scars and bruises. Most of the scars were self inflicted. If Jack or Mark knew about these scars.. I don't know what they'd think of me. They'd probably be disgusted. That's why they can never know about them. Ever.

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