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Trigger Warning

Jack P.O.V.

I focused my attention on her house. It was almost like ordinary houses, except that much more fancy than all the other ones on the block. I noticed a few other things. One, the lights were on inside. Two, I could see the silhouette of two people, slowly merginging together into one dark figure. I quickly realized what was happening, but before I could comment on the fact that those people were making out, Y/n cursed under her breath, sounding more fearful than angry.

I bit my lip, looking back at her as she rubbed her arm that was covered in goosebumps, "What's wrong?"

"I um... Nothing. Nothing. He's just.. Home sooner than I thought.." She mumbled slightly as she stepped towards the door. I began to follow, but she stopped me, putting her hand to my chest, "Don't come in.. I um... I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

I took a deep breath, not wanting to leave her there. Not wanting to leave her all alone to deal with who I assumed was her boyfriend cheating on her. However, I smiled and nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Twinkie."

She looked back, giggling and smiling, as she shook her head, "You're such a dork. Bye Jackaboy."

Then, she went inside. I wanted to so badly go in there and break the stupid guy's neck. Obviously that'd be a very dumb choice. For all I knew he could be her brother who invited a girl over. I turned, my back facing the window as I stepped toward my car.


I turned around to see something I never thought I'd see again. Memories came back as I saw the figure of the boy smack Y/n across he face.

Y/n P.O.V.

I never thought I'd be more terrified in my life. I walk in and instantly within the ten seconds of standing there, I am slapped. This wasn't a normal slap. This one was loud and very painful. I held my cheek, feeling the tears already begin to fall as the pain overruled everything else except my sadness.

"Looks like the bitch finally decided to show up!! What did I tell you?! I told you to have this house cleaned by the time I got back!" His voice was loud and it hurt my ears, but I refused to cover my ears. Mike grabbed my wrist and threw me on the ground. His date didn't seem to do anything. She just watched in silence, an emotionless look on her perfect face. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry and then die and go to hell. Hell would be better than this place.

I tried to block out the yelling and the pain as he kicked me over and over again until I was coughing up blood. My hair was grabbed and I was dragged across the room. My heart was beating out of my chest as I struggled slightly. That only made him trip my head tighter and pull harder. My eyes squeezed even more tears as he dragged me. Then.. There was nothing beneath me.. Wait..

It took me all of half a second to realize I was rolling down a flight of stairs and suddenly hit the concrete floor. The pain was unbearable, but somehow that wasn't enough. He grabbed me by my jaw forcing me to stand on my weak legs. He covered my mouth and nose, tightly.

I remembered this torture he used once before. Oxygen torture. Torturing me by cutting off my supply of air until I was close to passing out. I tried to get out of his grip, but he was much stronger than me. I wanted to die. All I wanted was to die and not have to deal with this shit.

Suddenly when I thought I was going to pass out, I was dropped to the ground, my head smacked the large metal pile that held the house up. I looked up as he gave me a dirty glare, "You're going to fucking learn to obey me."

It was hours later before I was finally able to sleep.

Two things..

Sorry for slow updates.
Sorry for the short chapter.

I hope you enjoyed though :)

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