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Trigger Warning

"Hey! There's our little Twinkie~!"

I couldn't help but laugh at that nickname that Jack just used, "Twinkie?"

"Cuz you're so sweet. A sweet little twinkie," Jack smiled as he scooted over in the booth to let me sit. Mark was looking at the menu, but looked up and smiled, "Aw. You didn't need to dress up for us, Y/n."

I shrugged slightly, "Its no big deal. I thought this would give me an excuse to look nice." I sat down but instantly winced in pain. That hurt a lot more than I imagined it to.

"Y/n?" Jack asked, looking at me with concern, "Are you alright?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just.. Um.. Pulled a muscle."

The two looked at me, still slightly concerned. Jack then smiled slightly, "Alright. Well. You want anything to drink?"

I shrugged, "I guess. Where's he waiter?" On cue, a tall man came over. He had dirty blonde hair and fresh shaved facial hair.

Mark laughed, "Woah, Felix. Since when did you work here?" Felix scratched the back of his head before a thick accent was heard.

"Ya know. Two days ago."

I couldn't tell what kind of accent his was. I had figured that Jack's accent was Irish or something, but I couldn't quite put his.

"Well, this is Y/n. She's new to the University," Jack introduced me, smiling as he patted my shoulder, "This is Felix."

I smiled, "Nice to meet you."

He smiled back, "Its a pleasure to meet you as well. Anyway bros. My shift was supposed to end, but since I'm such a nice guy, I'm going to get your drink orders."

"Oh gee. Thanks Felix," Mark replies with a sarcastic look on his face, "I'll have a...hm... Jack. You pick for me."

"Fine. Two beers please."

I looked at him, slightly surprised I guess, "Beer?"

"Yep. A way to drown out your sorrows," he said before putting his hands behind his head and relaxing into the booth. Mark went along with it and kept looking at his menu. I finally looked to Felix, smiling slightly, "I'll have a strawberry milkshake, please."

Felix nodded, "Strawberry milkshake and two beers. Gotcha."

He turned and left us, giving me a chance to turn to Jack and ask, "What country is he from? I can't tell by his accent."

"Felix? He's from Sweden. Ya know, I don't think I ever told you that I'm Irish," he looked at me with a questioning look. I just nodded, "I figured. Mark, I think, is Asian."

"Heh.. And how would you know that?" He asked, giving a little joking smirk. I giggled, "I don't know. Instinct tells me you look a bit Asian."

"Well. You'd be right," Mark says, telling me my guess was correct. I looked down at my arm and saw it was rolled up slightly to reveal one of my scars. I quickly grabbed at the sleeve and pulled it up, adjusting it to cover my arm completely.

Jack seemed to have noticed because he asked, "Are you okay? You seem.. Weird."

"I'm always weird." But I had never been okay. That was the problem with me. I was never anything special or anyone important. I was just a girl who struggled in life, yet everyone figured I was okay.

"Well lucky you," Mark said, peering at us over the menu, "You are talking to a bunch of weirdos. You aren't the only one." He smiled, along with me and Jack. We both chuckled.

"Yep. Weirdos 101. Right here. And you have officially been added a member of our group. I guess. Heh.. Anyway, we came here to get to know each other. So let's do that." Jack gave me a toothy grin, before I nodded, "Alright. Let's do that then."


The next few days were about the same. I went to my classes, went home, got beat for not getting chores done, and then go to the café with Mark and Jack. The best part of my day was going to the café. I lived those two idiots. I quickly figured them out within the few days of knowing each other. They figured me out too. They even devolkped a nickname for me, which was Rose. Why? I have no idea. I had come into the café one day and they both greeted me with, "Heya Rose."

It stuck for the rest of the day and the day after that. It came out of nowhere, but I slowly got used to it and began to like it. I mean, Rose wasn't a bad name. It was the name of a flower. I couldn't be too disappointed with the name.

"Rose~? Come on. We're gonna be late," Jack said, appearing behind me. I looked around, remembering where I was. I was at the University, waiting for them in the hallway.

I turned to see Mark, smiling behind him, "Come on, Y/n. We don't want to be late. That wouldn't be good for any of us."

I nodded, pushing off the wall and started walking with them to class.  I felt an arm hook with mine. It was Jack. He looked down at me, giving me a sly grin, "Today's a new day, Rose. Don't look so glum. I promise, today will be a good day."

I smiled slightly, thinking about what he said. He made a promise that this would be a good day. I guess it was because they started to notice that I was alot of times very gloomy. I couldn't help that. Considering what I go through every day of my life, its just my normal mood.

"Promise?" I asked, looking down at the ground.

"Cross my heart," he said, making an X over his heart, "For as long as you're with me, I'll make sure that every second is wonderous."

I couldn't help but smile at those words.

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