×forty eight×

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Your P.O.V.

I began to sat up as I opened my eyes, exhaustion obvious on my face. What time was it?

I looked over and saw my clock, which I quickly realized I was back in the hotel room.

8:45 pm... What time was it when I passed out? I don't remember.. I remember seeing Mike.. Wait. Where's Jackie? Sean? Josh?

I stood up and entered the living space, stretching out my arms, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the back of Mike's head. His unkept brown hair was greasy, as if he hasn't showered in a long time.

"You finally woke up, huh?"

I was silent. My inner most fears were becoming reality. My first instinct was to run, but my legs wouldn't move.

I heard him sigh, before he stood up, turning to face me. He had a fresh shave and he had a scar on his right cheek, "Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. A man paid good money to get me free."

"W-Why are you here? I don't want you anywhere near me.."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm here because you're husband wanted me to make sure you showed up to see him and Sean fight, but he is way out of his league with that."

"Fight? What fight?! Where's Jacklyn?! What are you talking about?!" I was worried about so many things at the same time and I couldn't focus.

Mike pointed to one of the chairs where Jackie was sleeping. I sighed in relief but quickly went back to panicking.

"They are fighting at the football field downtown. Don't worry, Sean won't be hurt."

"What do you-?'

"Your husband has gone fucking insane, Y/n. You need to go and stop him. He is going to kill himself if he does what he wants!"

"Stop yelling! What are you even talking about? Is he not going to put up a fight?"

"No. He is intentionally going to let Jack beat him in an attempt to scare you. You need to go and stop this!"

For a second I was about to agree, but something stopped me.

Something made me want to let it happen, but I knew I couldn't. I had never seen Jack when he is truly agree.. It could be really bad.

Yet I still glared at Mike and shook my head, "Why should I help you.. Or him for that matter? You have both wronged me. You ruined my life and in a way he has too. You can't expect me to do what you want, plus what if you're lying. What if everything you're saying right now is bullshit?!"

He stared at me and then looked away, sighing, "Y/n.. I need to confess. Josh... He-? He is not just some guy who bailed me out of jail.. He is my youngest brother. Sorta.. We never liked each other mostly because we were born with different dads and we.. We were just so different. But... I did care about him. Which is why I told him to get your number and say that Jack was dead."

I stared at him in shock, as I processed everything he was saying.

"I told him to do that because you would either kill yourself or you would learn to deal with it. So it would either make me happy because let's be honest here, I could care less about you, or it would make him happy because it would give him a chance with you."

"But.. He had never met me before."

"And that's where you're wrong. He was in your class when you were still in college. You never noticed him because those idiots you were around were always occupying your time. Anyway," he cleared his throat and walked to the other side of the couch, "So after you lost your memory and Sean was out of the picture, it gave him the opportunity to snatch you up and he would win the girl. Like he always wanted.."

Although I hated Mike, and at that point I was growing a dislike for Josh, I had to feel slight remorse. I never knew Mike cared for his brother, or that he even had one.

"Well, after he bailed me out of jail, he told me that this was his way of saying thanks.. But he bailed me out because he needed help. I don't know why, but somehow I never realized that all his drinking, gambling, and obsessing over you like a 6-year-old to a Barbie... I never realized that his sanity was growing thin."

He looked down in a way I had never seen from him. Guilt.

"I should have known that something would happen. I still hate him for being such an idiot, but... I can't imagine letting him die because of his sanity. He just.. Seemed fine. He was coming up with all these plans to make sure he won that bet-"

"Bet? What bet?"

He looked over at me and then sighed, "Sean and Josh made a bet about whether you'd stay here with Sean or leave with Josh. Josh is so determined to win that he is literally trying anything."

Of course he made a bet with me as a prize. Jesus. I want to smack him.

"When are they planning to fight?"

"In 10 minutes."

My eyes shot open, "10 minutes?! I'll never make it there!"

"Look, I'll stay with your daughter, you take my motorcycle. You still ride, right?"

"Well, I used to. I don't think my license has expired. I think I'll be good. I was always pretty good with them. Thanks, Mike!" I was out the door before he could say anything. I ran outside and jumped onto he unfortgettable electric blue motorcycle.

I put the helmet on and then turned the keys in the ignition.

Get across town in ten minutes? Oh joy..

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