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The day of the trial.

Y/n P.O.V.

Tyler walked up to Jack, who was on the stand. Craig was at the defense table with Mike, writing on his paper.

"So, Mr. McLoughlin.. You and Y/n are friends, right?"

Jack nodded, "Yes. We are."

Tyler nodded as well as he slowly walked to the jury, "So, you would do as much as you can to be there for her and protect her?"

"Yeah. That's why she was staying with me. I was afraid if she went back home, she'd be hurt."

"So, you knew she was being abused?"

"Well," Jack looked down at his hands which were in his lap, "I heard some things one night and she came to classes the next day with bruises all over. I confronted her and she confirmed that she was being abused."

Tyler nodded, "So, would you say that because she left the defendant without his say so, he was angry, so he went after her?"

"Yes. I saw it happen myself."


Jack's expression grew dark as he glared over at Mike, "I walked in and she was on the ground, blood covering her face and body. He was kicking her in the stomach and yelling things at her."

"Do you think what you did was right?"

He nodded, "I punched him so that he wouldn't hurt her anymore."

His eyes darted to me. He wasn't smiling. He looked scared and distressed. I smiled at him, hopefully cheering him up on the inside as Tyler cleared his throat, "No further questions."

Tyler sat down as Craig stood up, straightening up his suit, "How good of friends were you and Miss L/n?"

"I'd say pretty well."

"Mhm.. How well do you think you know her?"

Jack shrugged slightly, "By now, I know her more than anyone else around here. So, I know her pretty well, I'd say."

"Really? Pretty well?Would you even say.. Obsessive?"

"Objection! Relevance." Tyler stood up and looked up at the judge.

Craig sighed, "If I could continue, you'll understand."

"I'll allow it," the judge said. Craig nodded and then looked at Jack, "Would you consider yourself.. Obsessive?"

"Well, I mean.. We're staying together. So, we spend a lot of time together. I wouldn't say obsessive."

"Really? Because I do recall that you seemed to be wanting to hurt the defendant many times before because of her."

"I'd hardly call that obsessive. I care about her well being."

"Even though instead of aiding Miss L/n, you went straight after the defendant? It seems you're obsessed with trying to hurt him because you think he is a threat to her."

"He is a threat. He is violent and-"

"But how do we know that before you got there, the defendant and Miss L/n were about to go intament and when you got there, you were so angry and infuriated that you beat them both?"

Jack went silent as he stared at him. Was he serious? Jack? They think Jack beat me?!

"I-I would never-"

"Are you sure Mr. McLoughlin? Because if I do recall, in the past you've had tendencies to have anger issues."

Anger tendencies?

"That was a long time ago."

"But does that mean they are completely gone? Miss L/n had semen in her system when she was hospitalized that came from the defendant. Admit it. You walked in on them having sex and you were so angry that she didn't pick you!" Craig began to yell.

Tyler shot up, "Objection!"

"That's enough Craig." The judge said, glaring at him for a moment.

Craig sighed and turned away, "No further questions."

"We will have a five minute recess," the judge announced. Mike was taken by police to another room with Craig following him. Tyler shook his head, looking slightly annoyed as he organized some papers. I walked up to him, "Tyler? Do they really believe what Craig was saying?"

He paused for a moment and looked away sadly, "There is a possibility if Craig can convince the jury that you were 'influenced' by Jack to stay quiet about the 'truth'. The theory he has come up with is that you were either drunk or mentally incapable to comprehend at the time when Jack came."

"But.. Jack didn't do anything but defend me!"

"I know, Y/n.. Sometimes though, evidence is misleading.."

I frowned and looked down at the ground. How could they think he would do such a thing? Did he really have anger tendencies? He had never done anything that made him look like he had anger problems.

Tyler sighed as he began to leave, "Don't worry. You'll be testifying tomorrow. You have nothing to worry about."

As he walked away I took a look at the jury members. They were people of different ages, genders, and even race. They were all looking like they didn't want to be here, which I didn't blame them.

But the more I thought about them, the evidence, and the fact that Craig was apparently an awesome lawyer, I became worried.

Jack could go to prison.. Because of me. If it weren't for my stupidity, we wouldn't have gotten in this mess.

"Hey?" Speaking of Jack, "Are you okay?"

I looked back at him as he gave a slightly nervous smile. I tried to smile back, but I failed.

The thought of Jack being sent to prison because of me hurt more than if he had hit me with his car.

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