×thirty two× (Part 2)

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Before I start, I'd like to say something. If you all want a good ending then quit threatening me with death *-*
Jesus, It is a story. Calm the fuck down. Things have happened for a reason, not cuz I wanna be a dick to you guys.
Thank you~ 😘
Rae (Author)

P.s. Sorry if the story is moving a little faster in these past few chapters. It will go back to normal soon.

Present Day

"Pay. I'm tired of this. I want to go home," the bartender growled. I glared back at him and threw some money onto the table, "I am not leaving."

"Whatever man." The bartender grumbled as he turned and left. The morning shift walked in and took his place, just as someone else entered the bar.

"Another night of drowning your sorrows, Jack?"

I looked over to see Mark walking over and sitting next to me, "Sir? A drink if you'd please."

The bar tender walked away as Mark turned back towards me, "This isn't about her again, right? This has been a reoccurring thing lately. You told me you got over her."

"How can I get over her? She lost her memory because I was a stupid idiot. I haven't seen her since.. that night in London."

"You must get over her. She's moved on."

"Mark, how can you just say that? We tried so hard to save her from that devil of a boyfriend she once had.. what was the whole point of I just move on?" I downed the shot as Mark was given his own drink.

"You need to realize that it has been six years since you last saw her. It is no use. She moved to England. She has a new husband. Try to forget about her."

"I still never found that idiot doctor who caused all of this in the first place. If it weren't for him... I could have still been with her. We could have been such a happy family. Get married.. have a child.. it would have been.. perfect."

Mark was silent as he took a drink from his martini glass before he cleared his throat and pulled out his phone, "If you want to sort things out with her so badly.. how about you find her."

"I can't just fly to England, Mark. I have no money."

"You don't have to fly. A famous doctor has come here to San Diego, California from England.. with his wife. Y/n.. L/n."

I paused for a moment as I looked up at him, shocked, "She's here? In the city?"

"For two weeks."

Y/n P.O.V.

"Miss L/n? How does it feel to have a husband who discovered a cure for cancer?"

"Miss L/n? What will you be doing in San Diego?"

"Miss L/n-?"

"Hush! My wife is Y/n Ramen. Get it right," Josh growled at the reporters as he dragged Jackie through the crowd, "Where is our ride? Where is that fool, Mr. Tallinn? He said he would be escorting us personally!"

"Joshua, dear.. please calm down. He will be here shortly." I said, resting a hand on his shoulder. He only scoffed and jerked away, "Y/n, please. He was supposed to be here as soon as we arrived. Where is the bloody idiot?"

I took Jackie by the hand and led her towards the less crowded part of the lot. I hated crowds almost as much as I hated when Josh would speak that way to me. Whatever.. I was used to it by now and at least he wasn't physical. He almost showed me love every day, just on his own time.

I pulled out my anxiety pills and popped one into my mouth as I looked down at Jackie, "Alright dear. Are you excited? While your father works, you and me will get time to ourselves. How does that sound?"

She smiled brightly and nodded, "Great fun, mother."

"Y/n! Jackie! Come! Our limo has arrived!" Josh yelled for us as he opened the door of a black limo. I quickly took Jackie over to it and helped her inside, before I got in. Josh sat next to me and took my hand in his as he sighed, "I'm sorry I forced you on this trip, but I do not wish to leave you all alone back home."

"It is quite alright.."

As long as I don't see him while I stay.

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