My Story

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Hey Guys.

I know it's late.. At least for me it is. It's almost midnight where I am.. But I thought I could just say something.

Ya know..

People are going to throw shit at you constantly.. They'll beat you over the head with everything they have just to make you feel like you're noting.


Fuck them.

They don't deserve your time. They don't deserve to get any sort of attention from you. You deserve the best..

So, I am going to tell you guys my story.. Sorta. Why I became who I am.. And why I became suicidal and depressed..

I want you guys to see this as a way to understand that you aren't alone. I want you all to understand that.. We all have issues that are hard to fix.

Life is a bitch. But that's why we kick life in the ass.

So.. It all started back in second grade. I was one of those kids who everyone knew, didn't exactly have real friends. Just people who I talk to.

One day in the middle of the year, I met a girl (I'm using a different name) named Megan. She was a year older than me since she was being held back in the middle of the year.

That year we became friends. Better than that.. We became best friends. We spent all of our time together at school. Bull shitting with each other and having the time of our lives. She was the first real friend I had ever had.

Third grade came along and things began to change. I was in a different class that Megan, and instead I was in a class with my future best friend, Alexandra.

We began to hang out and I also began to meet some of my other friends, but I didn't hang out with them much. Megan consistently wanted me to hang out with her and no one else. She told me that they didn't deserve to be friends with me and only she did.

Being a child and wanting to keep the only friend I had, I decided to listen to her for the most part. Of course, I only saw her during recess, lunch, and sometimes after school. So, I hung out with Alexandra a little more.

Megan didn't like that. She began to get very angry with me. She would ask why I was hanging with Alexandra and not her. She started to take my belongings and keep them. She would get me into trouble. She would constantly ask me to go to her house where he parents yelled at not only their kids, but at me.

Fourth grade came along. Megan began to hang out with Alexandra as well as me. So, on her birthday she invited Alexandra to the party as well as me. She took us roller skating. I have never liked roller skating and I especially didn't back then. So I stayed in the seating area. Megan began to get angry again saying I shouldn't be such a wimp and not even try even though she clearly knew I can't skate. Eventually she left me with her dad, who wasn't very happy with me either, nor did he care that I went and walked off by myself. I sat alone in a booth with people I didn't know surrounding me. I was left there for hours, scared and lonely.

I wondered if maybe Alex would come and see me, but she didn't. Megan took up her time, skating. After awhile I was told we were leaving and then we left.

In the time I was left alone, I had thought about all the things that had been happening lately. Megan was always yelling at me, calling me things that made me slowly believe I was a worthless child. She had been telling people all the secrets she told me she would never repeat to anyone. She made fun of me behind my back and even in front of me.. About how I looked, sing, and even my weight.

|Liar|  Jacksepticeye X Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now