×forty seven×

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I'm sorry guys 😂

But cliffhangers bring suspense and I am obviously the bitch in disguise 😎

Jack's P.O.V.

I fell backwards, but luckily found myself at the edge of washing machine. I growled up at Josh, "Why'd you bring us to the basement?"

What a dumb question.

"You're such an idiot. Did you honestly think you could stand a chance against me?" Josh smirked and walked closer to me. Jackie was luckily still asleep, but now she was sitting in a chair. She was such a heavy sleeper.

I stopped him, from getting closer, shoving my hands into his chest, "I don't know who you think you are, invading my home and forcing me into the basement, but if you think I'm just going to let this go, you've got another thing coming."

"There's no way you'll win the bet. I'll make sure that she sees nothing but the bad within you. She is my wife."

I chuckled and pulled out my phone from behind my back, "Sorry, but you're little game isn't going to work on me."

I pressed the play button on my phone and Josh's voice began to play. It was the recording he had with the inmate he had bailed out.

Josh's eyes widened for a moment as we listened to the recording for a few more seconds. I pressed pause and then put the phone back in my pocket. He stared at me speechless, but then suddenly went back to an unfazed grin.

"Alright. You caught me. I admit it. I was going to cheat... But maybe we could deal with this the old fashioned way."

I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms, my patience growing thin, "Go on."

"Tonight.. At the football field downtown. You and me. Man to man. All or nothing. You win, you get the girl and leave forever. I win, I leave with her tomorrow morning. Deal?"

"What kind of sick trick are you planning?" I began to walk around him and closer to Jackie as I waited for his response.

He chuckled before shaking his head, a weird gleam in his green eyes, "No tricks. You, me and whoever's left standing wins."

I didn't trust him. Something seemed off. I had just ruined his plan of getting me out of the picture. What could possibly be keeping him so happy go lucky?

After a moment of thinking, I slowly reached out my hand, "Deal. 9 o'clock."

He took my hand, gripping it tightly, "9 o'clock." 

I let out a low growl, before forcing my hand away. I turned to get Jackie, but Josh stopped me, "I'll take her home, Sean. Her mother is waiting."

I scrunched up my nose and left without another word. I didn't want to leave Jackie there, but whether I liked it or not, Y/n probably would have preferred she stay with him.

I walked up to my room and stared at the mess that had been made.

He started all this. He threw the first punch and he brought my daughter into this. This means war. I will not stand to lose to him.

Josh P.O.V.

I waited for Sean to disappear, plus another long moment before I finally cleared my throat and brushed myself off.

"You're an idiot, Ramen. You'd never win in a fight with him. First you start a fight in his own room, force him and his daughter down into the basement.. Now you let him go?"

I turned and looked at the tall man, Mike, who had... Of course. Y/n was on his back.

"Why is she on your back?"

"She passed out when she saw me. Makes sense. I'd pass out if I saw myself too."

I rolled my eyes and looked away from him, "I have a new plan."

"Well you can't forget that he has proof that you are trying to cheat."

I turned and chuckled, a fit of laughter for some reason wanting to erupt out of me, but I contained it, "We fight.. Obviously he may have a huge advantage over him, but I do as well. Not only am I a calm and collected person," I earned an eye roll but I continued, "but also we have Sean's anger on our side."

I smirked as I looked back at Mike. He had a confused and unsure look, so I walked over to Y/n, touching a piece of her dangling hair.

"Say, Sean were to get so angry that he actually scares his child and his love? It's like how the younger brother annoys the older one."

There was silence for a moment. I heard the soft shuffling of feet and when I looked back, Mike was putting Y/n on the ground next to where Jackie was sitting. He walked up to me and stared at me for a long moment before he raised his hand. He whipped his hand across my face, slapping me.

"You are intentionally going to anger him and you're going to let him beat you?! You idiot-!!"

"It's alright. It's all for the sake of winning. Besides.. The closer to death... The better.." I felt my eye twitch and shivers were sent through my body. The fit of laughter came back and this time, I couldn't contain it.

I began to laugh softly, but soon I was laughing hysterically, as if everything going on at that point was the funniest thing in the world.

This had been happening a lot lately. I wanted so badly to be the one Y/n loves, yet.. She seemed to be moving further from me and closer to....


"Him.. He's done this to me.."


"It's his fault she wants to leave me.."


"He is going to regret ever interfering..... I will bathe in his beautiful agony~!"


I turned to him, tears running down my face. I pointed to Y/n, "Take them home! Make sure they happen to show up to witness him become a ticking time bomb.."

I smirked and yet I wanted to pull my hair out, "I'm coming for you my dear~!"

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