×twenty six×

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I was escorted into the back section of the room as court went on. Mark was on the stand and Mike sat in the with other witnesses. Jack was now the defendant with Tyler as his lawyer. Craig was the prosecutor. So, now the two have switched places for this case.

Both Tyler and Craig seemed to glaring at each other the entire time as they presented their cases.

"So you were with the defendant the night of the rape?" Craig asked, his hands calmly in his pockets.

Mark nodded, keeping the same calmness except a little less formal. He was being his normal self, but with a serious quality.

"Can anyone else vouch for this?"

"Yes. Our friends Bob, Wade, Matt, and even Daithi who was waiting tables as a favor for a friend."

Craig nodded as he turned away from him, "But, you were also there when the beating happened, correct?"


"So how do we know that you weren't just helping out a friend, by staying quiet?"

Mark snorted, "What idiot would decide to go to the police with evidence if he himself helped commit the crime? Even if I did do anything wrong, I wouldn't be stupid enough to say anything."

Craig turned as he walked to his desk, "Your witness," he eyed Tyler as he stood up.

"From middle school to senior.. To your freshman year in college.. You seem to be getting all A's. Good job."

Craig cleared his throat, "Objection. Relevance?"

"Patience,young Craig. I have a point if I could finish?" He looked at the judge who merely nodded and allowed him to continue, "You especially excelled in Government, English, Speech, and Formal Language. All classes that taught you about speaking, society, and talking formally and confidently."

Mark nodded, "Yes."

"So, we could say that you are a reasonably reliable person. Seeing that you know what you're doing and give speeches better than most people. And if you can do well in many of these things, then you could also be considered trustworthy. How may that make him trustworthy? Well, let's put it this way.."

He pulled out a few files and said, "Exhibit B, Mr. Fischbach's speeches from highschool, all the way up until now. He was entrusted to make speeches for almost everything that went on. He helped teachers with their speeches for graduation. He made speeches at places for charity and for children. He made speeches for hundreds of other things because it was what he liked to do. But what got me was the speech about why he did them. To help others and to bring light into heir world and their society."

He dropped the files down in front of the judge, "So, Mark, tell me how many times did you try to give inspirational speeches?"

"I made them because everyone around me had such trouble with not only speeches in general, but for many other things. It helped people learn to become what they wanted to be, and so they put their trust into my hands, by giving them advice and inspiration."

I had never known that about him. Jack had once vaguely mentioned it to me, but I didn't think much of it. I never knew he had written so many that it inspired people..

"So, do you think that you could be trusted enough to tell the truth like you are supposed to under oath?"

"I believe that I should be trusted enough to tell the truth. It's aaw, I don't plan on breaking any law anytime soon."

Tyler turned to sit back down, but Craig stood up, "A.. Few more questions."

He walked up to Mark and said, "If you are so trusted, How do we know you aren't using that trust against everyone. The defendant could have easily persuaded you into keeping this all a secret, and you chose to say you didn't because you are trusted by everyone."

"I am trusted because I do good things for people. If I were someone who would do something like that, I wouldn't do good things for people."

Mark P.O.V.

Craig nodded, "Then why didn't you come when the investigation began?"

"Because I thought the police knew that I was a witness and they would come and question me. Not to mention that I was traumatized by what I had seen," I looked down and sighed, "I care for Y/n as much as Sean does. I would never let anything bad happen to her. That's why we were at the scene. We wanted to protect her."

Craig seemed suddenly off guard. His eyes had gotten slightly wider and his mouth was slightly open. He seemed to be lost in thought and to my surpise I saw a blush creep onto his face before he cleared his throat and looked away, "No further questions."

"This is bull shit!!!" I looked up and saw Mike, standing up with a very angry look on his face. The judge cleared her throat, "Please sit down or we will have to-"

"Oh shut up! You're all gonna fall for this guys weak little speech about... Speeches?! For fuck sake! I knew I should I have finished the second they ruined my plans!" Mike pulled out a gun and everyone started screaming. Police pulled out their guns and pointed at him.

In my own panic I wanted to pull out my own gun, but I reached down to grab air. Heh.. Oops.

Mike didn't seem to care about the police because he shot, twice. One hit Tyler, the second.. Hit Sean..

Police shot at Mike, knockig him to the ground as I heard two screams at the same time louder than anything else.



Y/n ran towards Sean but was caught by an officer. Craig was dodging every officer that came at him as he caught Tyler's body. Tears were going down his face as he yelled, "Wake up! Wake up! Don't die on me you prick!! What about the date you promised?! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!!"

Craig was pulled away and I all the chaos, peremedics came running into the room, getting every injured person.

My heart had broken twice. First when Sean and Tyler were shot. Second when I saw Y/n's broken and terrified look, wide eyes, white skin, and her mouth hanging open.

I became dizzy and as I saw a peremedic run towards me, everything went black.

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