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I'm gonna stop outing the trigger warning thing. Just know that any of these chapters can contain suicidal content that could trigger something.

Y/n P.O.V

"It'll be fun. I promise. Felix will be there with us." Mark was trying to convince Jack that we should go to a bar. To get our minds off of things. I personally didn't mind. It would allow me to forget about Mike and after being with Jack for the few days we were off school, I was beginning to enjoy it. I was beginning to be happy that I exist, like back in highschool.

"I don't know. Would it really be a good idea to get drunk?"

"We don't have classes until the day after tomorrow. Besides, I won't get too drunk. I have to drive you dicks home anyway." He smiled, jokingly as he wrapped an arm around Jack's shoulder.

Jack considered the request one last time before finally letting out a sigh, "Alright. Let me just get into another shirt." He then turned and left the room.

We had been out all day at the park. It was lovely and relaxing. Feelings I didn't feel very often.

Mark chuckled behind me, causing me to look back at him in his red flannel shirt and messy hair. He ran a hand through his hair, "So how is Y/n liking it being with Jack?"

I shrugged, "It's fine. It's been better than.. Ya know.. Home.."

The fact that saying the word "home" was a struggle made me really consider how fucked my life had become. Stress from college, abuse from Mike, and now I somehow had these amazing friends who were willing to help me. I almost wanted to hug them.. Especially Jack. Ahh... Jack... I almost wanted to-


I turned red and looked down, embarrassed as Mark chuckled, "Is someone blushing?"

"Shut up! I'm not blushing!"

"Who made ya blush? Me? Jack~?"

"Fuck off! Will ya?!" I was so red I couldn't have been a beacon, yet I was smiling. Damn you Mark.

His laugh filled the air, and I looked over, seeing him laugh with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes squinted as he gave a huge grin.

Jack walked in and looked between the two of us as he pulled his shirt down to cover his stomach completely. As he looked between us, a smile appeared on his face, "What the fuck did I miss?!"

"Heh.. Heh... Nothing Jack.. Let's just go," Mark said as he headed out the door in front of us. I followed him out to his car, looking around at the sky that was just getting darker. The dark sky reminded me of my childhood. When I would hang with my friends outside in the grass, staring at the sky. They all moved away at one point and I was left alone.

Jack placed a hand on my shoulder as he opened the car door for me, "After you lass."

I looked up at him and smiled, trying to ignore his very sudden closeness. He was close enough that his arm was touching mine as he waited for me to get in.

I shot into the car, blushing again and kept staring at the window as we drove down the street. The lights in the car disappearing making my pink cheeks seem nonexistent.


I stared up at the building that was slightly lit up with purple lights shining on the door. My heart was pounding in my throat as I stepped out of the car. I had never really gone to a bar. I never had any desire to. Now I was going to enter a place with drunk men and women probably doing not so PG things.

Right as I thought my chest was going to burst, I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. I went still as I looked up at Jack. He smiled, chuckling lightly, "Come on. I won't take my eyes off you. No one is going to touch you."

I must have looked reassured because he pulled me along into the building. Music playing as people danced in the main room. I was slightly reassured by Jack and his presence, but a part of me was begging me to get out of there.

I didn't drink anything. I wanted to stay sober in case the guys got completely drunk. Felix had been there before us and was already drunk, dancing with a girl from one of my classes. Marzia.. I think.

Mark and Jack were laughing at each other while they did stupid things and told dumb jokes. Mark was drunk. Jack I wasn't so sure.

"Wanna dance?" Mark suddenly asked me. We were sitting at the bar. I just so happened to be next to him, "I don't know. How good are ya?"

"Pretty damn good. Better than Jackaboy over there."

Jack raised an eye brow at him and rolled his sleeves up slightly, "Wanna bet, bitch?"

"Yeah! Yeah I do! Bring it on!"

It just went downhill from there. Their dancing actually wasn't bad. In fact, they were dancing better than most of the people there who began watching them while they danced.

[Vote! Who's a better dancer?
Jack or Mark?!]

I smiled as I watched them. There was an urge to join them, and I don't know what possessed me to actually join. Because I stood up and jumped right in the middle of them, showing off my own moves. I didn't care. Everyone was drunk as fuck, so I didn't mind dancing in front of all these people.

Jack seemed slightly surprised. Not sure quite what part he was surprised about, but he quickly got over it and continued dancing.

And for those few hours, I never realized how good I had it. I never realized that at that very moment, I was free. Free of Mike haunting my thoughts. Free of the pain I was usually trapped in.

Jack grabbed ahold of my hand, spinning me around slightly. I giggled slightly and fell into him. He laughed and pushed me back up, but kept me close to him. I was once again close to him. His chest just barely grazed mine as he looked down at me, smiling.

"Maybe we should go. You're drunk."

Drunk? I couldn't be. I must have been seriously acting like it because he looked a little concerned. I hadn't had a single drop of alcohal, which almost surprised me.

"I'm not drunk."

He probably didn't believe me because anyone who was drunk says they're not. But that wasn't the issue.

The issue was that he was leaning into me until his face was maybe a few inches from mine. There wasn't anytime to react because before I could comment on how close he was, his lips were on mine.

When Mike used to kiss me, it was rough and lustful. This was different. It felt like what my first kiss should have been. His lips were soft and warm and everything I could have imagined from him.

What was the issue with that? Two reasons. First, he thought I was drunk. The second reason was probably the worst though.

When we parted, I looked up at him, blushing furiously and smiled. The day couldn't get any better than that.

But it could get worse.

Because I looked last Jack and saw the face of my very angry abusive boyfriend, staring right at me.

|Liar|  Jacksepticeye X Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now