×twenty one×

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Your P.O.V.

"Miss L/n.. Were you ever aware of Mr. McLoughlin's past of violence?"

"No. Not necessarily. I heard he might have been slightly angered more often than usual."

Craig fixed his tie as he leaned against the wall, "How about, have you ever known someone with anger issues?"

"Well, no. Not really."

"How long have you known my client?"

I tried to calm my nerves and answer as calmly as I could without giving him an advantage, "About a year."

"And how long have you known Mr. McLoughlin?"

"Erm.. A few months now.."

"Do you believe you know them both very well?"


"Do explain."

I cleared my throat and looked to Mike, my nerves spinning out of control in fear, "When I first met Mike.. He was a very nice person. He never did anything wrong to me.. But.. He changed. He began to get angry so easily. He would let it all out on me.. But.. Sean isn't like that. He would never do anything to hurt me."

"Mhm. You trusted my client until he started to have anger management problems, correct?"


"So, if Sean were so we say, had the same issue... How would that be different?"

"Sean doesn't have anger problems. He has never gotten angry at me before."

"And almost a year ago you would have said the same thing about Mike, but now things are different? You give this man a free ticket because he is nice to you but he himself has secrets he doesn't seem to be telling you."

I glared at him, shaking my head, "Sean isn't like him. So what if he had issues in the past. He's fine now."

Craig walked to his desk and picked up a file, "Exhibit A. A file from a little over a year ago. Mr. Sean McLoughlin was put on probation for 6 months after beating an innocent man on college grounds."

I stared at him, wanting to believe what he was saying wasn't true, but..

"Two years ago, Sean was arrested for beating up two guys at a football game. Six months ago he was stopped from beating a woman behind the college you two go to."

I shook my head in denial. This was stupid. It was all stupid. Jack wasn't like Mike. He couldn't be.

"As you have said, you've never met someone with anger issues. So, how would you know that he changed from six months ago? How are we so sure?"

"Because I know him!"

"Do you?! A few months. A few months doesn't fix anything. He is still the same angry man he was six months ago because he never went and got any help for it. Its hard to convince me that he couldn't have manipulated you into thinking Mike was the one who beat you. As stated in the medical files you were unconscious for most of the beating. You couldn't have remembered anything that had happened. Sean wanted you to believe that it was Mike who did that to you because he couldn't stand the thought of you having sex with another man!"

"Stop!! Stop! Just stop this now!" I yelled, tears running down my face as I shook my head, covering my face in shame.

People were yelling, but the judge yelled for them to be silent. Craig fixed his tie once again and sighed, "No further questions."

He turned and sat back down. My heart had sunk down to the pit of my stomach. They actually believed Jack was a blood thirsty animal. He couldn't have done all those things... He.. He just couldn't have.

I looked up and saw him standing at the main entrance, looking back at me in shame. I watched as Sean left the courtroom, staring at the ground with so much grief.

The judge dismissed for a recess, and that was when I made a break for it. I ran after Jack, tears were still running down my face as I finally spot him in the back away from everybody.. Away from me.

I reached out to him, but he looked away in complete agony, "Go away, Y/n."

"Jack.. I don't believe them. They were lying! They had to have been! You aren't the terrible person they believe you to be-"

"No. They didn't lie Y/n... All those times I was arrested were truths. Listen.. I just.. I've been keeping this from you.. But you need to hear the rest. I just didn't want to hurt you like Mike did.."

I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe him. He did those things? But why? Why would he hurt innocent people? Why did he keep it all from me?!

"Y/n.. Oh... Y/n... I'm so.. So fucking sorry. I'm a terrible person. I should have told you. Yes, I have anger management problems and I didn't go to get them fixed. I've been trying to do it on my own since last time I got arrested."

"But... Why? How? Who? What caused all of it? Was it... A past girlfriend?"

"No. It... It was my dad.. He was always abusing my mom.. I hated it. I hated him. He always treated her like garbage and it always made me angry. But whenever I stepped in, I got beat which only made my angry grow as well as my hatred. He always treated us as nothing but the shit beneath his feet and I was tired of it.. So, when I turned 18.. After he left us.. I found him, and I made sure he never treated anyone like shit again. He was never going to be the big assbag he always was. I wasn't going to allow it."

I was still crying as he told his story. His reasoning for being angry was understandable, but now he was being shot down for everything he had done.

"What about the others?"

"Y/n.. I swear I never wanted to hurt them.. The two boys I beat were attacking this young girl, trying to take advantage of her.. A-And that stupid girl was calling another girl fat and stupid and... And.. I just snapped. I was ready to break that stupid petite body of hers and use it for fire wood. I never wanted to have to hurt anyone but I can't let them just get away with it."


"Y/n.. I'd never do anything to hurt you.. I wouldn't dream of it.. But.. This.. This could be my consequence for what I've done."

"N-No!" I cried out, "All those things you did were out of the goodness of your heart.. You just need to learn to take a different approach.. You shouldn't be punished.. You can change.. I know you can.."

"B-But... What if I really did hurt you?"

"You wouldn't! I know you wouldn't! You just said you'd never do it and you wouldn't say something you don't mean.. Please.. Don't leave me Sean.. I.. I don't wanna lose you.."

I had broken down into a complete sob, holding onto his arm, wanting to stay as close as I could to him. He shook his head and sighed, "Maybe this is for the best..."

"What are you saying?"

"I've gotta go." He pushed off the wall and left the room. I watched him walk away, as my heart slowly turned to nothing but sadness and rubble.

No... Sean..

|Liar|  Jacksepticeye X Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now