×fifty three×

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Jack P.O.V

She accepted me. My daughter... Accepted me!! She accepted me as her father and she isn't even upset!!

I smiled, every part of me was full of joy as I helped carry her stuff into my apartment. Jacklyn was already asleep in my bed, which I didn't mind. I could sleep on the couch until she got her own bed.

I heard a chuckle behind me, and I turned around to see Y/n shaking her head as she set down a box on the floor, "You're smiling way too much over there. What's on your mind?"

"Well, my daughter accepts me, I finally have you back in my arms where I can keep you safe again." I placed the box back down on the ground and walked over to her. I remembered how close we were to the same height, yet I was still taller by maybe a few inches.

"Did someone miss me?" She asked, chuckling. I smirked and swiftly picked her up off the ground. I held her bridal style in my arms, "How could I not? Let's be honest.. You missed me too."

"You wish," she chuckled, giving a joking grin.

God, I was so happy. Not exactly so happy that I killed a guy, but hey.. That's beside the point.

"You know you missed me. You can't deny it," I snickered. I began to slowly walk over to the couch, when I felt something on my chest. I look down to see Y/n undoing my tie and then threw it on top of my head, "Maybe I did a little."

"You're such a shit. That took me two hours to do," I pout as I look at my tie hanging in front of my eyes. She giggled and then took it off, playing with it, "You were going to take it off anyway."

"Maybe I was. Doesn't mean I can't admire my work."

"Pshh," she chuckled, "Boo hoo. Too bad." She tossed it onto the couch.

I laughed, setting her down on the couch and then picking up the tie. I place it on the counter so it didn't get wrinkled before going back into the living space and standing in front of her.

I smiled down at her, "That dress looks nice on you. I'm surprised you haven't taken it off yet."

"Well, I thought I'd keep it on. Dress to impress the man who's a mess."

She giggled as she looked up at my hair. I raised an eyebrow at her, "Is my hair that bad?"

"It looks like someone fucked with it a little too much."

"And who's fault would that be?"

"Eh.. Probably mine. Don't look into that too much."

"Don't look into it? What did you do to my hair?!" I turned around and headed for the closest mirror, but I could hear the sound of feet behind me. I shook my head, chuckling as I turn around to see her shuffling towards me. She had no shoes on, but she had skin colored tights which lowered her ability to walk on the wood floor.

I stopped, making her fall right into me. God.. She was acting like a child.. I had never seen this side of her.. Considering she was now a widow at 26.

"Are you drunk?"

"No," she smiled, "Why would you think that?"

"Oh I don't know.. You're acting very weird considering what has happened these past few days and you're going to court tomorrow with me.."

She looked down, a sad expression appearing on her face, "Well, I am just.. Really happy. I know that Josh is gone.. Mike hates me again.. But.. I have my daughter and I have you after such a long time.. I think I might finally be truly happy." She looked up at me and smiled.

At that moment, I forgot about everything bad in my life. My anger, my troubles, my past. It all disappeared from my thoughts and instead was replaced which much different ones.

I felt my back being pressed against the wall as I leaned back. Y/n stared up at me, a smile creeping back onto her lips. She took my hand and intwined our fingers.

I never thought I'd ever get her back.. I thought I lost her.. I can't make the same mistake I made six years ago.



"You won't leave me again... Will you?"

"Never. No one could tear me away from you.."

A/n: AW!! I want a Jackaboy for my birthday 😢😍

She leaned towards me and pressed her lips to mine. I forgot how amazing she felt.. It was six fucking years ago, but I still remembered..

Her soft lips carassed mine and her arms wrapped around my neck. I placed my hands on her waist and I felt like I could stay like that forever.

Then.. A thought came to mind.

That night before the wedding.. This was how it started and we went much farther than intended.

I pulled away and looked down at her, smirking, "Don't get too ahead of yourself young lady."

She scoffed, but laughed as she looked away, "You ruined the moment!"

"No, I was saving us from going too far."


"And you said you didn't miss me. You horny little girl." I smirked.

"You son of a bitch."

"You dirty little shit."

"You fucking dickhead."

I couldn't stop laughing, "Come on. You'll thank me one day."

"Cock block."

"Love you too, my little Rose~!" I chuckled leaving the living room.

Ah.. Living the life.

Heh.. Heh..

That ending tho 😂

You'll thank me one day.

Are you ready for the weird shit?

The weird birds and the bees shit?

Didn't think so.

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