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Jack P.O.V.

I couldn't see anything but darkness. It felt like I had been sleeping for so long I hardly remembered what had happened before.

Y/n.. oh my dearest Y/n... Is she alright? How long have I been asleep?

I could hear voices that were becoming more and more audible as time would go on. Some times it was silent, other times I could hear the voices of nurses and doctors.. or at least I think they were nurses or doctors.. 

At some point I could feel a painful insertion in my arm and voices became clear, as if I was awake, "He seems to be getting better. He should be waking up soon. Let's notify Miss L/n... Doctor Ramen should have the number.. he said he got it from her while she was still here."

"Yeah alright. Man, he's a lucky guy. He was in the coma for only two days. Not to mention he has a hot girl-"

"Danny! You creep!"

"What?! A guy can be honest, can't he?"

"Oh. You disgusting little-!"

There was a weird muffled sound and I honestly didn't want to know what was going on. I blocked it out and went back into thought. I had to have been awake.. the only problem was my eyelids were refusing to open.

All I could think about was trying to wake up and I concentrated on it, until I heard a voice.



"Help me..."

Y/n?! What's wrong?! Where are you?!

"Wake up.. please.. wake up.. I need you."

I suddenly shot up, my eyes wide open. The nurse and doctor suddenly shot away from each other. The doctor walked up to me as he tried to calm me down since I was breathing like I had just been underwater for an eternity.

"Sean? Are you alright? Take deep breathes.."

"Where is she?" I asked frantically.

The two looked at each other with a confused look, "Who?"

"Y/n?! I heard her! Where is she?!"

The doctor fixed his jacket as he said, "Oh.. Y/n is being notified to come to see you wake up.. but it seems you already have."

Something didn't seem right. Why did I hear her voice in my head? Was it my imagination? Was I...Dreaming or..Hallucinating?

"She should be here soon."

Someone walked in behind the doctor as the nurse left. Tyler. I smiled at the same time as him. He was in his normal black suit and blue tie, his hands behind his back, "Jack. It is great to see you awake. You have no idea how worried everyone was.. you punctured a lung.. you could have easily died. They had to give you a new lung."

"Well I'm not dead.. so that's a good thing."

"Yeah.. Y/n was especially worried. She was afraid you were going to die.. I mean we all were, but she was almost 99% sure you were gone.."

"Where is she?"

"She went with me and Craig to dinner and then.. well she went to see your mom."

"M-Mom? Did you tell.. her?"

Tyler shook his head, "That's why she went to see your mom. She needed to know the truth, Sean. It was only a matter of time. She was worried."

I looked around and grumbled, "I didn't want her to know yet. I wanted to explain it to her, not my mom. My mom has a morphed way of thinking. She probably took it all and fucked into something else. It's all his fucking fault.. why did it have to be us?"

"Jack, think of it as the reason you met Y/n, Mark.. me.. " I let out sigh, before looking at the doctor who was creepily listening to our conversation, "When can I leave?"

"You'll need to have regular check ups here to make sure your lung is in condition. Otherwise just sign some paperwork and you can go."

Tyler smiled, "Well let's get you out of here."


"She's not here?" I asked as we entered my house to find her not there. Tyler shrugged as he entered, "She could still be at your mom's."

"Yeah.. I guess I'll wait for her to get back. Hungry?"

Tyler nodded as he sat at the peninsula. I pulled a box of Goldfish out and placed them in front of him, "I have to go grocery shopping. Sorry about that."

"It's cool. I'm not that hungry." He opened the box and threw some of the small fish-shaped crackers into his mouth.

"Well, I hope my mom doesn't go insane on her.. She can overreact about some stuff."

"I don't she would overreact about you being in the hospital.."

"No," I sighed, "I mean like.. Asking her about the situation and even if she were to explain what happen to Y/n, she'll probably be yelling about how," I began to speak in a higher tone, "the police are fucking idiots and don't do shit to help!"

Tyler shrugged, "How about you invite Mark and Craig over? We can all hang out and talk. It's been awhile. Then when Y/n get's here, we can all celebrate that you and Craig are alive."

I shrugged and smiled slightly, "Sounds good."

|Liar|  Jacksepticeye X Suicidal ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant