×thirty five×

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Jack P.O.V.

"That douchebag Ramen!! How dare he?! How dare he take her from me!"

Mark sat quietly at the counter as he watched me yell at nothing. He placed his cup down and sighed, "Ramen?"

"Don't you remember?! Ramen! That doctor who told her I was dead! The nerve he has! To go and say that I'm dead only to steal her away from me!"

"Jack. Calm the fuck down. Remember your anger?" He raised an eye brow and grabbed my arm, pulling me to the seat next to him. I growled angrily as I grabbed my own cup of coffee and drank from it.

"Mark.. What am I to do? She... She'll never want me back.. She's already upset because I told her daughter I'd take her out and show her San Diego.."

Mark set down his coffee and chuckled, "Jackie. Right? She.. Looks nothing like her father. A lot more like her mom.."

"Well, anyway.. I won't be here tomorrow. So, don't be surprised if you come and I'm not here. I don't know when I'll be back."

"Well, ya know, at least you're trying, Jack. At least you don't hate her kid because her father is Ramen," He stood up and walked into the living room. I followed him, still holding my coffee.

"I could never hate her daughter for that. She did nothing wrong," I took a deep breathe and sat down on the couch, along with Mark as he grabbed the television remote.

I sighed, "I will get over it. I guess.. I mean.. He must have changed if he was able to earn her love."

The TV was turned on to a talk show. Josh and Y/n sat on one side,  a celebrity I didn't recognize sat in the chair opposite of them.

"So Miss Ramen, how does it feel to be the wife of the doctor who has found the cure for many cancers?"

Y/n smiled slightly and looked at Josh, "Well, he is the best husband I could ask for.. I'm very proud of him that he was able to create a cure.. It is.. Quite unbelievable."

Josh smiled and gave her a kiss.

I grew tense.

"What a lovely couple.. How did you feel Mr. Ramen when you discovered the cure?"

Josh suddenly pushed her away, subtly as he began to speak the celebrity. I shot up and threw my cup of coffee to the ground.

"That douche!!! He just pushed her away!!"

"Aw... Maaann. Now there's coffee all over the carpet. We just put this in!"

I shook my head and pointed at Josh through the TV, "How did you not see that, Mark?! All he cares about is the fame!!"

"Jack, you're overreacting. They can't just sit there and make out on national television."

"No! Mark! He pushed her in a way that he was more wanting to answer the question than-"

"Stop!" Mark yelled, silencing me. He sighed as he picked up the broken mug, "You need to watch your anger! This is like tenth time you have shattered something in the past month!"

"How can I not right now? He doesn't deserve her!"

"See! You're angry! You can't change any of this! So shut up and deal with it! It's been six years, Jack. Find someone new."

I stood there and let out a sigh as I helped him pick up the rest of the mug, "Mark.. You know that's hard for me.."

"Of course I know that.. But you have to learn that you can't live in the past.. I only want what's best for you. She wasn't the one for you. You'll find someone soon."

"Yeah... Right.. Okay.. I will find someone. I'll get over her.. Someday..."

Mark patted my back and held a hand out to me, "Come on. Let's clean this up and then I'll leave you."

I nodded as I walk into the kitchen with broken glass in my hand.


I throw down three ace of spades and chuckle to the other three, "It seems I have won, gentleman."

The others groaned as I pulled in all the chips. The tallest one rolled his eyes and stood up, "Well, I'm out of here. Enjoy."

The man left, but the other two quickly followed which didn't matter to me. I just gained four times the amount I had before.

I chuckled as I put all the chips into my pockets to cash out later. I cleared my throat and looked around for someone else to play, but suddenly someone sat across from me, a newspaper in his face."

"Good chap, mind we play a round?"

I chuckled, "Alright. But I warn you, I am the best gambler in the this place."

The newspaper disappeared to reveal-

"You?!" We both said at the same time. We both stood and stared each other in the eye. Josh was even more disgusting in person.

He straightened himself out and cleared his throat, "Mr. McLoughlin."

"Mr. Ramen." I sneered.

"Fancy meeting you here. I didn't know you were out of jail."

"Oh.. Well, I didn't know your last name really did sound like a cheap noodle soup. Charming. Truly charming."

He rolled his eyes, "And I thought you were still.." He chuckled, "Dead. Are you a ghost?" He laughed.

I chuckled, "And I didn't know you gamble. How would your wife feel about that?"

"She won't feel anything about it. She will never know."

I shook my head in anger, "You disgust me. How could you lie to her?"

"I love her, Sean. I don't want stupid gambling be the cause for her to leave me."

"She should leave you because you nearly caused her to kill herself! If it weren't for me, she'd be dead! Have you nothing to say to that?"

"That was in the past."

"She would have no future if she was successful."

He turned away from me, "She's fine now. It's all behind us." He clentched his fists and shook his head, swiftly turning to me, grabbing my shirt collar, "You will stay away from my wife. I don't want you anywhere near her."

I chuckled and pushed him off me, "We saw each other earlier today. Now, tomorrow, I'll be taking your daughter out to see San Diego. You can't make me do anything. You're lucky I don't say anything about you gambling. She would be angry."

"And she wouldn't be mad if you did the same thing? You said yourself that you are the best gambler here. I'd watch my tongue if I were you."

"And I watch my step, Josh Ramen. You may step into different territory. You'll learn that I don't play nice."

He scoffed and then whipped around, his trench coat flowing behind him as he swiftly left. I merely chuckled, "I'll show you. Just you wait."

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