×twenty five×

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"Why didn't you tell me?!" Daithi and Tyler were sitting with me and Mark as he sighed, telling his story again.

"Look.. Before Jack was able to run in there, I went first so he didn't do anything he may completely regret. When I walked in there, Mike was beating her. Jack went running in and told me to call the police. Besides.. I was with Jack at the bar while it was happening along with our other friends."

"That doesn't tell us why you didn't say anything."

"No one took me in for questioning. It wasn't my fault. Jack should have said I was there when I went for help."

Tyler grumbled, shaking his head, "Find out who it was and give him a piece of my mind," he looked at Daithi who stood up and left the room. Then he looked at Mark, "So you witnessed the beating. You can verify Jack and Y/n.."

"Yep. And I have proof."

He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a black and blue bruise. He pointed to distinct markings in his arm that had the indentation of a fist.

"He tried to punch me and I blocked it. You can compare his fist to this bruise."

Tyler stared at the bruise and then shot up, angrily, "Someone's gonna get fired! What idiots run this police station?! Wait here a moment." He said as he left the room.

We could hear the conversation as Tyler yelled, "Who the fuck decided it wasn't important to question and inspect a MATERIAL WITNESS!??"

I looked at Mark and smiled slightly, scratching the back of my head, "Thanks.. I'm really glad you told me.."

"Well, I can't just let my best friend go to jail for something that dick head did, now can I?" He chuckled.

"Well.. I was.. Afraid there was nothing that could be done.."

"Well aren't you glad that I could help you out?" He asked.

I stared at the door, expecting Tyler to walk back in and hear the news I wanted to hear, but I knew that Jack had to go through.. -sigh- a trial. For fuck sake....

Tyler walked back in, clearing his throat and put on his best smile, "Alright. Now that THAT was taken care of. Let's get down to business. I will get Sean and you ready for court tomorrow morning. Y/n, I want you to stay home. Alright?"

"I guess.. But.. Why can't I be there?"

He sighed, "It.. It's for your safety. Mike will be there and who knows what could happen while we are there..."

"Can I at least come part way through to see how it's going?" I wanted to see Jack and make sire he was getting through okay, but I also understood if that wasn't an option for me.

Tyler stood there, contemplating the idea before he said, "I guess it wouldn't hurt. Come at noon. It'll be around the time when we take a break."

I nodded, smiling slightly at the thought of seeing Jack again. The thought of Mark's question came back to me again.

Do you love him?

Do I? Or was it just a phase.. Like with Mike? When I was first with Mike, I felt like I would do anything for him.. Now things changed.. What if that's what it'd be like with Jack? What if his anger does take over?? What if-?

Luckily, Mark interrupted my thoughts as he helped me up out of my seat, "Come on, Y/n. Let's get you home and get some rest."

I looked around, at Tyler, and then finally at Mark. I cleared my throat (and hopefully any thoughts that would worry me) and said, "Yeah. That sounds nice..."

I followed after Mark, who took me home where I slept well for the first time in awhile.

Jack's coming home..

So sorry for such short chapters.. The next one is going to be much longer, but I wanted to get this out to you guys.

Hope you're enjoying the story so far.

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